40. First Impressions

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"It just sort of came to me, dont I get credit for remembering that?" He says turning around to leave the closet.

I smile. "Sure."

I follow him out and through our bedroom to the main hall.

"They'll be here soon, you want a drink?" Mads asks.

Before he can go to the kitchen, the elevator dings. Our guests are on their way up.

"I am on a roll on being on top of things tonight," Mads says with a smirk. He looks at me suggestively, his eyes wondering to my clevage.

"And if I am lucky, it wont be the last thing im on top of."

I roll my eyes. "Behave. You're luck is running out," I say pointing my finger at him accusingly.

He puts up his hands in surrender.

The elevator dings again and the doors open to reveal our guests.

Malcolm, addorning his normal expensive suit, holds a bottle of wine. In his other hand he holds his wife's hand.

Malcolm's wife was beautiful. Golden brown hair in waves, and stunning big eyes. Her smile was gorgeous, lightening up the room immediately. She had an athletic build, which showed in her short emerald green silk dress. Her black heels clicked as she followed Malcolm to the main hall.

"Mads, you remember my wife, Sara," Malcolm introduces her.

"Yes! It is nice to see you again, Sara," Mads greets her. He lends out his hand and she shakes it.

"Sara, this is my future wife, Allison," Mads introduces me.

I go to lend out my own hand but instead Sara leaps forward and I am suddenly in a hug.

"Thank God! Someone who understands," she exhales.

When she releases me from the hug she elaborates.

"Our husbands are so similar, I assume you understand the struggle it is to be around them," she says laughingly.

Mads chuckles. Malcolm pouts.

"Lets eat, I'm starving," Malcolm says. Mads agrees and the two of them go to the dinning room with the bottle of wine. They carry on a conversation immediately.

"I hope I didnt scare you when I hugged you. I never go out and socialize much being a new mom," Sara explains.

"I heard you and Malcolm have a son, how old is he?" I ask.

We follow the guys to the dinning room. I sit across from Sara and Malcolm. Mads leaves to get a bottle opener.

"He will be a year in September, so almost 10 months."

I smile. The idea of a child so young just made me think of the possibilities of Mads and I having our own. I had to remind myself that it isnt possible.

"What is his name?" I ask.

"Reggie, short for Reginald. Really formal, I know," she giggles. "But... we wanted to name our child after a friend that passed away and her name was Regina. It was the closest we could think of."

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