Chapter 51- Dorms

Start from the beginning

"I'm so happy you are okay. You...had me worried."  You peaked your head out of his neck enough to give him a pearly grin that made his heart swell three sizes. His hands caressed your hair and smoothed out stray strands in a soothing manner. It only riled up Katsuki more who was stuck with Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima.

"And leave you without my annoying jokes? I would never." Shoto's gentle expression was one that would make any woman swoon, and if you didn't have such a loving boyfriend, you probably would have been one of them.

"They make my days that much brighter," Shoto spoke genuinely until a pale hand gripped his shoulder.

"Stop flirting, you're hogging (y/n), Prince Zuko." Shoto turned to see a lavender haired boy with deep eyebags address him as if he were bored. 

"Prince Zuko=...?" Shoto whispered to himself as he moved out of the way. Shinso approached you with furrowed eyebrows and a taut jaw, his hands were gripping his pockets as if his life depended on it.

"You're a fucking dumbass." Shinso gritted at you. His chest was burning as if it were on fire, his heart pounding erratically in his chest. He blamed himself for everything. In his eyes, it wasn't Katsuki's fault for being captured. It was not your fault for fighting All for One. It was not All Might's fault for losing his quirk in battle. It was my fault. All of it. If I saved (y/n), Bakugo would have never gotten captured, and All Might would have never lost his powers fighting All for One. I joined the hero course to be somebody, and all I did was ruin the lives of everyone else.

"I missed you too Shinso." Your voice broke through his thoughts, the same ones that Katsuki was having. Two different men that hated and blamed themselves for everything that happened...and yet hearing your voice in such a calming way made it seem like everything really was okay. Shinso bit his lip to keep it from wavering, his violet eyes staring directly into yours. 

"There aren't many adjectives in this world to effectively describe your idiocy."  He continued. You came close to the boy and wrapped your arms above his shoulders, burrowing your face into his warm body and a soft cotton t-shirt.

"I think dumbass does it well." You murmured. He entwined his fingers with your shirt and gripped it tightly to pull you in. His voice was quiet and barely legible compared to Katsuki's loud yelling at his caring friends. 

"Don't to that to us again. Please." Ochaco watched the grief pool in Shinso's eyes and the small smile of appreciation on Midoriya's freckled cheeks...suddenly the heat of tears began to overwhelm her and she turned towards Aizawa who was steadily approaching the group. Her hands were shaking and so she tucked them into her pants' pockets to hide it.  Aizawa decided it was time to call everyone in to announce to them what the dorm situation was going to look like.

"All right guys, you can hug and love each other later." His gruff voice announced with an annoyed expression on his tired face. Shinso let go of you, and Katsuki walked over with his hands in his pockets, not before handing Kirishima a fat stack of cash.

"Hey, Knuckles. Take this for the binoculars." You turned your head towards your explosive boyfriend who attempted to make his conversation with Kirishima private. Said redhead was blushing profusely, embarrassed. 

"H-how did you know I bought binoculars?" Katsuki's patience was wearing thin and you could tell by the way he clicked his teeth with his spiked tooth exposed.

"Just take the damn money."

"Thanks buddy...I really appreciate it." Katsuki didn't say anything back to him but patted Kirishima's arm as he walked towards you. After Katsuki took his place by your side, he wrapped his hand in yours and rubbed his warm thumb in circles against the top of your hand. It was comforting...but it seemed like he was trying to calm himself down more than anything. You were surprised that he didn't say anything about Todoroki or Shinso giving you warm hugs...but you had a hunch that he had a newfound respect for the two after they tried to save you from the League of Villains when they infiltrated the camp. He hated asking for help...but he knew that if something happened to him again that you would be in safe hands...

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