Peter Parker; Trainee of S.H.I.E.L.D pt. 1

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A/N: I am so sorry I haven't been posting! I know there really isn't any excuse, but my last foster family didn't enjoy me spending my days writing, and they blocked off Wattpad on my phone and laptop.  I promise I will be updating more often now!

That being said, I hope everyone is staying safe throughout this pandemic, and that everyone is okay. I know that we are in stressful times, and if anyone ever needs to talk to someone, feel free to dm me!

Alright, I won't keep you here for long, so here's the story:

Peter was sitting In his last class of the school day-- science-- anxiously watching the clock, waiting for the bell to ring

The teacher was asking question after question to prepare them for a unit test that Peter had already learnt the material to years  ago 

"we'll be having a test next week, so make sure you're listening! question number 32; What sorts of signals does the brain use to communicate..."

Peter groaned and hit his head on his desk, causing Ned to snigger at him. He had learnt this stuff in fifth grade

Peter simply glared back at Ned, causing ned to laugh outright

"Mr. Leeds, is there a problem or something you would like to share with the class?", The teacher raised an eyebrow

Ned stuttered out, "n-no, Mr. Shernile, nothing at all"

The teacher rolled his eyes and got back to his lesson

______________--------Time skip by sMeLlY gAbE-----_______________

After 5 insanely boring minutes had passed by, the bell rang loudly throughout the classroom, making Peter wince - enhanced senses aren't always so great, mind you- and hurry to pack his stuff

he shoved all his binders and pencil cases in his backpack, squishing crinkled papers at the bottom, and ran out of the classroom to his locker

Peter rushed by the busy hall of stinky teenagers- because honestly, who ever the heck decided that it would be a good idea to stick a bunch of kids between the ages of 14 and 18 who are just discovering what puberty is in one building and then force them to go to a GYM CLASS OF ALL THINGS needs to rethink their life choices- and went to his locker, almost running into it

while he opened his locker, he winced at how much he needed to clean it out... it had his old emergency inhaler (because before the bite,  peter had asthma in the comics), random papers, binders he hasn't used since the beginning of the year, old trash, gum wrappers, pieces of lego sets, and an old sub sandwich 

grabbing his homework from his other classes that he put into his locker, he put the work into his backpack and accidentally  slammed his locker shut and ran out of the building 

He needed to get going fast  or Fury would be... well... furious. 

I know what you are probably thinking; why would Peter of all people need to be worried about the Nick Fury?

Well, let me explain. About 20 years ago, Fury had an idea. at the time, there had been several attacks on SHIELD agents from Hydra, leaving hundreds dead, and even more were injured.

 The thing is, at this point in time, most of the shield agents were in their mid 20's, and a lot of them had families of their own. The average had been 2 children per agent.

 As you could assume, Fury didn't like the idea of the children of these agents being out of his control after their parents deaths. While he had their parents under his watch, he could easily control the kids, but in Foster care, or with other relatives, there was no way he could even talk to them.

Remember when I said "Fury had an idea"? well, this is where that comes up. Fury's idea was that if the Agents that had children had died, the children would be under SHIELDS watch and guardianship. There was one base that they all stayed in.

In this base, there is 6 rooms (2 for the girls, 2 for the guys, and 2 for the teachers), a cafeteria, and multiple training rooms

There were teachers here, but not the kinds that teach you English and History. These teachers would teach you different lessons needed to become a strong shield agent once the children turned 18.

All the children were kept on a tight schedule:

4am: Wake up/ get dressed

4:30am: breakfast

5am: Stretching class 

5:25am: Archery

6am: MMA

7am: World languages class

7:45: Everyone leaves for school

3pm: Everyone arrives at the base after school

3:10pm: homework

4pm: Ballet

5pm: fencing 

5:45pm: MMA 2nd class

6:45pm: Mock missions 

8:45pm: Dinner

9:15: Everyone back to sleeping quarters 

10:30pm: lights out

If the children broke this schedule, there would be sever consequences.

Although it was hard work, and strict, all the children loved it at the base. They had all slowly become each others family. 

~back to current time~

Peter continued running to of the school, pushing the doors open on the way out. He ran across the front lawn of the building, undid his bike lock, hoped on the bike, and rode on over to the base. 

Peter peddled faster, and faster, until his peddles were going too fast for him to keep up with.

Peter still had over 10min to get to the base, so he wasn't in a rush, but he loved going fast on his bike. Riding on his bike was by far his favorite Time of the day. He just felt so... free with the rapid wind whipping his face, and his hair blowing in every direction. It was almost as if he was flying

Peter slowly took his hands off of the handles, feeling the air rush past him as his bike gained speed, he very carefully raised his arms  so they were spread out in a "t" shape, and closed his eyes. This was perfectly safe because his spider sense would alert him if anything would come in front of him 

"WHOOO HOO" Peter yelled as he went faster and faster down the hill, he laughed and shouted, enjoying the best part of the day

around 5min later, Peter reached the base, hoped off his bike, and chained it back up to the bike rack in front of the base. 

Peter walked into the building, passing Fury on his way inside

He simply nodded to the older man before making his way into the common room.

Once he reached the common room, he sad down at one of the tables with a group of friends, and started on his homework.

To be continued...

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