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In which Peter is allergic to peppermint and peanuts 

  Peter Parker is deathly allergic to Peppermint. This includes ANYTHING peppermint. 

He figured this out one day after he got the spider bite, when Aunt May gave him some peppermint tea (this ended with Peter waking up on a hospital bed, with an Epi-Pen in his leg) 

Before the spider bite, Peter had been allergic to peanuts (and he still is), so he knows how to use his pen

Ever since then, Peter had been very aware of what he was eating to make sure there had been no trace of the toturous flavor.


Peter was spending the weekend at Stark Tower. ever since Homecoming, Peter and Tony had gotten a lot closer, so Peter started spending weekends there. 

It started when May was searching for someone to look after Peter while she was working (despite Peter's protest of "I don't need a baby-sitter!")

Once Tony found out, he immediately offered. At first, it was kind of awkward, as the two of them weren't all that close , so Peter ended up watching tv/doing homework the whole time while Tony was in his lab

After a while, Peter and Tony started to become closer. Peter helped out in the labs, and Tony made it his goal to hold at least one conversation with Peter per day

A few weeks in, Peter met the Avengers. They had all taken quite the liking to him, and he started  speaking to them on the daily

Now, Peter was in the kitchen eating dinner with the Avengers for the first time.

and boy was he nervous

He wanted to start a conversation, but everyone already seemed to be doing their own thing

Tony was talking about how much he hates reporters

Clint was talking about his rabbit underwear

Rhodney was talking about the time he flew through a window to save Tony

Bruce was talking about the newest research he'd conducted

and everyone else was eating, and listening in on the others conversations

suddenly, Bucky walked over with a tray of cookies and set them down in the middle of the table. of course, every cookie was taken in a matter of two seconds

"What are in these?", asked Peter, before he took a bite of the cookie. He may not be the most... careful, but he doesn't appreciate having an allergy attack, thank you very much 

"its a secret", responded Bucky, smirking.

Everyone around the room started eating the cookies, momentarily going silent

"I don't know what is in them, but they sure do taste good!", Clint laughed, shoving five cookies in his mouth at once.

Peter looked at the cookie for a little longer before deciding that it didn't look like there is any trace of Peppermint or peanuts in it, and he took a bite

He chewed it for a while, and nothing happened, so he thought it was okay, so he took another bite, and another, and another. Pretty soon, Peter had consumed five cookies

out of nowhere, Peter found that it was getting harder and harder to breath. It felt like his throat was closing up, and his skin started to get really itchy.

Peter's breaths started becoming shallow, and in wheezes, and he started itching his arms like crazy. 

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on his breathing, but it felt like he were breathing through a thick straw

Peter forced himself to suck in another breath, as he started scratching his arms woah, that hurts

he wasn't making a big scene, and he couldn't talk, so no one took any notice 

No one except for Bucky and Steve

Bucky and Steve recognized the scene in front of them immediately because of the many many times that Bucky had to help Steve through allergy attacks.

Steve looked at Bucky and nodded, signaling that yes, this is an allergy attack

Bucky's eyes widened slightly, and stood up to rush over to Peter's side

Steve followed, not caring that he knocked his chair over in the process

Steve saw Bucky assessing the situation already, so he unzipped Peter's backpack and started his search for any type of medication or epi pen

Bucky grabbed Peter's arms so they couldn't scratch open his skin, and continued to walk Peter through several breathing exercises

"DO you have an epi pen in here!?", asked Steve, still looking through Peters bag

" pocket.", Peter managed to wheeze out, eyes squeezing shut, as he tried to focus on breathing 

why on earth is it so hard to breath!?

Tony, finally taking notice of what was happening,  jumped out of his seat and rushed over to Peter

"Whats happening? why does he look like chicken pocks found a new best friend?", Tony asked, trying to sound calm, but the panic in his eyes giving him away

Steve reached into the front pocket of Peter's back pack and grabbed his epi-pen.

"He's having an allergy attack", responded Steve, uncapping the pen and jabbing Peters pen into his leg, "one...two...three...", Steve counted, "eighteen...nineteen...twenty" He then took the pen out, seeing that peter seemed to be doing a lot better

Peter sighed in relief. he could breath! 

"Thanks", Peter wheezd out, looking over at his two hero's gratefully

"no problem, but you still have to Bruce check you out before you go home. you may not be able to go to a hospital, but that doesn't mean you don't have to see a doctor. you still are having an attack, the pen just slowed it down", responded Bucky.

Peter nodded, and followed Bruce to his lab

once Peter and bruce were sure that Peter was better, Peter went back home, having quite the story to tell Aunt May

Peter Parker Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें