Peter Lokison part 1

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Peter had always knew who he was.

 He was Peter Lokison, God of Humility and deception, Prince of Asgard, Half frost giant. He wielded all the the same powers as Loki, plus super strength, faster healing factor, faster metabolism, super speed, heightened senses, the ability to stick to everything, heightened flexibility... you know the rest.

No one, not a single person, other than himself and his father of course, knew who he truly was. 

Sure, Thor knew too, but Peter had up a disguise. While on Midgard, Peter had brown curly hair, and brown eyes.

 But Peter's REAL features were black, curly hair, and green eyes. 

Peter hadn't seen his father or his uncle Thor in so many years, he doubts that Thor actually remembers him. 

The only thing Peter still has left from his father is the green amulet in which is around Peters neck. 

On earth, Peter went as Peter Parker


14 year old Peter Lokison was sitting in a way to easy science Class, half asleep, when a girl with straight blonde hair walked in

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?", said Mrs. Hundrom, smiling at the new student

the girl seemed to want to do anything but what was asked, but she stood walked up the the front of the class anyway and said. "uh, hey everyone. I'm Sky Thordottr"

Peters head snapped up so fast, those around him worried he would get whiplash. 

No freaking way ,Peter thought, Uncle thor didnt have a daughter, right? shes MY age. He would have told me...

Everyone else in the class, however, had a very different reaction than the awe and confusion that Peter had displayed. In fact, in the class bursting into a collective roar of laughter 

"Thors daughter? what? is this girl mental or something?", Flash asked, snickering, his little goons laughing behind him

Peter rolled his eyes. she  does looks a lot like Uncle Thor. i mean, if its truly possible i have a cousin, imma make the most out of it. 

Sky started to go red in embarrassment at all the laughing.

"Sky, once you are done spreading your lies, would you like to take a seat", Mrs. Hundrom sneered at her new student

Sky seemed to, if possible, blush even harder in embarrassment, and looked down at her shoes. "Y-y-yes madam"

Sky slowly walked over to the empty seat next to Peter, Ned, and MJ, and sank into it, seemingly wanting to disappear from the human eye

Sky seemed to find her shoes really interesting, because she was looking at them the whole class period.

Peter, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off of Sky. 

No, he didn't like her like that, this isn't Alabama, you guys-

He was taking in all her features. She seemed so familiar, but he just couldn't place how...

Class carried on, slowly as possible, the teacher going on and on about something Peter was no longer paying attention to

But then it clicked! Peter remembered exactly why Sky looked so familiar! While the two of them were younger, they would hang out all the time they were practically siblings. they lived together, played together, learnt how to walk together, learnt how to talk together, etc.

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