He's who's godson? part 2

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By the way, the avengers do NOT know that Peter is Bruce's Godson, and this is before Peter had gotten bit)

Peter slumped back in his seat and watched the clock sloooooooowly tick by

Peter tried to pay attention, he really did, but after the teacher had gotten to repeating herself for the fourth time, he'd given up.

He looked around the room, seeing everyone else having the same problem. Ned was asleep... yes, asleep

should I try to fit 30  straws in my mouth?

What is the area of the sun?

Why does that Annie girl keep bursting into song-

Should I try that squip thing from Japan that Jeremy told me about?

Evan fell from a tree and broke his arm??? And why did Connor, of all people, sign the cast?

Has that Alexander kid slept at all in the past year?

That Gavroche kid looks ready to fight everyone and anyone... he needs some milk.

Peter was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when the bell LOUDLY rang 

Peter, although wincing at the sharp sound of the school bell,  all but jumped from his seat at the chance to finally leave.

Peter quickly grabbed all of his resources, and shoved them into his binder

Once everything was safely secured, he picked up his binder, and sprinted out of the classroom, getting a yell of "NO RUNNING IN THE SCHOOL" from his teacher

He ignored her and continued running anyway

He kept running faster

and faster

and faster

and... OUCH

he fell flat onto his stomach. 

what was that?

oh crap, that hurts...

groaning, he pushed himself up, looking behind him to see what he tripped on

a... foot?

Peter's eyes traveled up, making their way up a long leg, stomach, and eventually the face to whom the foot belonged to 

oh great

Flash freaking Thompson

Peter took in a sharp breath as he hastily looked around for any way out

He slowly stood up, hands shaking while doing so, and started backing up hesitantly 

Flash  did nothing but grin back at him like a lion grinning at its prey

seriously, what is wrong with this guy?

Peter was about to make a run for it when a voice came from beside the pair,

"Hey Eugene, can you go one day without being a jerk?" 

Peter's head whipped around, "MJ!"

his eyes widened in relief, allowing a small smile to play out on his lips

MJ raised an eyebrow at Peter, obviously amused at the kids' excitement

Peter felt his face burn a little, but his relief was deemed more important

Flash rolled his eyes, and scoffed, glaring at MJ, "Whatever," 

He turned to walk away, 'accidentally' shoving Peter on his way

"Th- thank you, Mj," Peter stuttered out, not really sure what happened

MJ just nodded, turned on her heel, and strolled off to one of the yellow school busses that waited outside the school

Peter blinked at her retreating form for a second before making his own way out of the school

once he reached the front of the building, he looked around for Mays car

where is it?

Peter looked for another full five minutes before realizing that it wasn't there.

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