Peter Parker: the Deaf spider

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(yes, ik the above comic slip is Clint, but none of the comics I've read feature a deaf peter, so Hawkeye's all I got)


This is how it looks while speaking in ASL

"This is how it looks when speaking normally"


Peter Parker was a normal kid

well... as normal as you can be when being a genius spider kid

But, Peter had one secret that no one other than May knew about

Peter Parker is deaf


Peter Parker had come home from school one day after Flash broke his hearing aids (again!), and he opened the door to his apartment

Hey, May, Peter signed, not looking up from his feet, There was this crazy car parked outside

Peter looked up at may and froze. 

standing in front of his was THE TONY FRICKEN STARK

He didn't move, giving May a very panicked look. May just smirked at him like this was some sort of funny joke

Peter just stood there, not knowing what to do. he couldn't talk to Tony Stark because he would sound stupid without his hearing aids, and he wasnt sure if Mr. Stark could understand sign

Tony Stark  said something to Peter, but his lips were moving too fast for Peter to even attempt to guess as to what he was saying. 

This is Tony Stark. May said, deciding to make an end to Peter's suffering. 

Peter gave her a deadpanned look as to say 'no kidding, sherlock'

Stark looked very  surprised when May used sign as she spoke. "He said you applied to his thing, the September Foundation? Why didn't you tell me?"

Peter was quiet, trying to figure out what was happening in front of him. he had never applied for any sort of foundation

Peter saw Mr. Stark wink at him, and Peter got the hint

I wanted to surprise you. He answered,  Because I know how much you like surprises.

May scrunched up her eyebrows, unsure if Peter was lying or not.

May then turned to MR. Stark, and Mr. stark nodded, and turned to Peter, signing

i need to speak in private, Mr. Stark signed

 Peter agreed, leading the multi-billionaire to his tiny room.

Stark closed the door, and glanced back at Peter, typing something into his phone and putting on a pair of glasses that probably cost a few thousand dollars

Sir, I didn't apply for your grant- Peter started, looking confused at Mr. Stark 

Stark held up his hand for Peter to let him speak (or sign). 

Peter's hands stilled, confused at the billionaire

Question, Stark signed, pulling out his phone again. The screen widened, and there was a video of him, catching a car with his bare hands. That's you, right? Stark asked, raising an eyebrow

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