Rouges Meeting; Peter Stark, Tony's... Brother?

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A/N: Peter is younger in this one. He's fourteen, and the size of a normal fourteen year old

Peter sat on a barstool in the compound's kitchen, fiddling with one of the lego sets that Ned had gifted him for his birthday.

 He was just about to connect another piece, when he heard the ding of the elevator door.

 He turned around in the stool to look at who was walking in, assuming it was Tony coming in to grab another cup of coffee 

When Peter turned around, he heard the doors open, and saw multiple people walk out

 that's not Tony 

Peter watched the small group walk in, speaking about some sort of mission, laughing at certain parts.

woah, those are the Avengers-

"who are you?"

Peter's head snapped over to see where the voice had come from. It came from a tall, read-headed woman, who was making her way over to him, a fierce glare etched upon her face. 

"I-uh I'm-" Before Peter could finish, he felt himself shoved off the seat, and pressed against the wall behind him

"I asked", the woman growled, dagger pressing itself against Peter's throat, "who. are. you?"

Peter felt his heart skip a beat, he's never been great with people, and this woman did not seem to like him at all

"I-i-i'm P-peter", Peter stuttered out, eyes widening as the woman glare simply hardened. 

He began to feel a sharp pain thumping through his shoulder. shes holding me kinda tight...

Peter looked around the room, taking in the sight of everyone whom had entered. 

They were all staring at him, in a mix of confusion and fierceness 

all the eyes...

Peter felt tears come to his eyes, threatening to spill out, but he wouldn't let them.

 He would not make a fool out of himself in front of the Avengers

"I'm s-s-supposed to b-be here, -I-i p-promise", Peter squeaked out, voice high as his eyes begged for the others to understand.

 "Natasha", Clint started slowly, placing a hand on the red-headed girl's shoulder, "Maybe we should lay off the kid a bit, he obviously isn't an immediate threat"

The red head just turned her glare to the blonde man, "He could be a spy, Barton, or child soldier. How do we know we can trust him?"

"p-please!" Peter begged, choking on his own words, "I-i'm Peter S-stark and I-"

"Stark doesn't have a kid", Natasha cut him off, rolling her eyes, "nice try though"

Peter nodded his head furiously, yes, he knew this, "y-yeah, I know! I-im his-"

"if you know, then why'd you lie?", Sam asked, crossing his arms, "not exactly helping yourself here"

Peter pressed his lips together as frustration began to bubble in his stomach, why won't they just listen-

"Hey!" A voice called from the other side of the room, "Unhand the kid, Romanov"

Peter's eyes hesitantly looked over to where the voice came from, landing on Tony's body walking into the common room, eye's slightly panicked, though well concealed. 

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