He's who's godson?

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I woke up at 2am, and this idea came to mind, so I wrote it until 4am, so please forgive me of its bad lol, I'll fix any spelling errors once I get sleep 

also, im SO SORRY for not updating for so long!!! I've had to go to several hearings in court, we've been moving, and some other stuff that I'll save you the boring time of having to read. I promise that I'll be updating a lot more!!!

also for those of you wondering, I'll update my Avengers get twitter and my Hamilton characters watch the play stories within the next week 

have fun! :)


Peter Parker doesn't have very many secrets.

Sure he ahas a few like the fact that he's Spiderman, but he has one that only two other people know...

Peter Parker is Bruce Banner's godson

how did this happen you ask? well, I'll tell the tale I hadn't slept in a week, I was weak I- (if you get the reference, I love you ) in all seriousness, here's the story 

As you may recall (from the comics) Peter Parker's parents were scientists (and S.H.I.E.L.D agents, but we'll get into that later)

well, what you didn't know is that Peter's parents also were very close to a certain Bruce Banner. 

When Mary and Richard found out they were having a baby boy, they immediately knew that they may not be alive enough to care for the baby because of their work at S.H.I.E.L.D

Although the ideal route would be to live and care for the baby themselves, they knew that there would always be the chance they are killed.

The couple knew this from the start and accepted the fact. Even though they didn't know if they would live or die, they did know one thing...

if they did die, they would need someone to care for and raise their child. sure, there was Richard's brother, Ben, and his wife, May, but they were constantly drunk, at parties, and didn't seem like the type to want to take care of the boy, they seemed perfectly happy with their current life.

after a few days of thinking on the subject of possible guardians, they finally saw the answer, clear as day, and they wondered why they hadn't thought of this before

all they had to do was get their choice of gaurdian to agree with them


"Richard, Mary... you have to realize that I have no idea how to care for a child", Bruce threw his hands up exasperatedly, already feeling a headache growing 

Mary sighed, "yes, but if Richard and I were too" she cringed, "pass away, we would need someone to care for the boy, and we trust you the most to do this! we wouldn't choose you if we didn't think you could do it"

Bruce began to grow frustrated, "I have no experience, and what if the big guy comes out? exactly... dead baby"

She raised an eyebrow, "Richard and I have no experience, does that mean we'll be bad parents?"

Bruce let out a frustrated huff, "no, but-"

"and you wouldn't let the hulk come out around the kid, I know you have more control than that", Richard cut in, a single eyebrow pointedly raised

"yeah but-", bruce started again, only to be cut off by Mary

"there's not even a guarantee that we won't make it. I'm growing a mini human inside of me, and I just want to be assured that my child will be safe and protected if I die"

He appeared to think about it for a little bit before slowly nodding his head, "Fine, but if you two die, I will kill you"

Mary and Richard let out a laugh


                      14 1/2 years later

Mary and Richard had, in fact, died (big surprise, I know), leaving Peter Parker an orphan. 

Although, not every thing worked out how they had Planned...

The government wouldn't allow Bruce to possess full custody of Peter because he was the hulk, so Peter had to spend two months of every year with his regularly wasted aunt and uncle. It was always a tad more than two weeks, too, because Bruce was frequently required to stay at the tower to assist Tony during those couple weeks of Bruce's turn for custody.

Bruce couldn't help but think that things would be much easier if he merely told the avengers about Peter - NO - he cut off his thoughts. If he told anyone about Peter being his Godson, the kid would never live a normal life. Mary and Richard would not prefer that


          Peter's Math Class

Are teachers always this boring, Peter thought to himself.

The teacher was still reviewing 8th grade and they are halfway through freshman year. Peter had known this stuff for y e a r s!!

Technically, it wasn't the teachers fault, Peter is several grades above his grade level, and he could have gone to MIT since he was twelve, but he didn't because he doesn't have the money.

"Mr. Parker, are you paying attention?" His teacher snapped from up front

"uh yeah I was, yeah, yup, yep", Peter stammered, lying

Peter cringed at how bad of a liar he is

"well then, I'm sure you won't mind answering the question on the board"

Peter looked up at the board and realized just how far behind the class was in work

 Find the vertical asymptotes of the function...

Peter rolled his eyes, what are we? twelve?

"the answer is (enter answer here, i'm too lazy to think of a problem)", Peter answered tiredly

The teacher glared at Peter, but left him alone nevertheless,

DO you guys want me to continue this, or nah???

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