She prepares herself as she blinks again, this time bringing her at the seas, there she saw one of the most largest ship she'd ever seen, what's even amazing that it appears to be made entirely out of metal, there is no sails besides a tower and a wide flat deck that with more of those flying metal beasts, she observe the ship closely, taking in as much details as she could. Then looking ahead she saw more metal ships that varies in sizes, she took note of one huge ship with three large cylinders similar to the earlier metal beast that just destroy a castle gate with ease, hovering above these are dozens of more flying metallic creatures that act like bees protecting a hive, then this massive fleet made a move hundreds of flying beasts goes forward along with many small ships that carries troops. She looks at the horizon wondering where they're going and saw a large landmass up ahead, now it is clear that this armada is massive invasion force, but the question is: who are these people, what is their goal, where did they come from, her only clue is that one unique banner at the base and on some of the ships.

Thinking that would be the end she blinks and expects to awake see the morning light, it never happened, instead she's taken to another place, looking at her new surroundings she's in a room with few humans in well-dressed uniforms, the walls have various odd devices and gadgets, moving pictures and numbers, these men are flipping and tapping some of these oddities, no doubt she's inside in one of those ships, this time she gets listen in the conversation of these men in hopes to find out who they are.

"HQ, we have arrived at the destination, coordinates have been set, target is acquired, they are oblivious of our whereabouts, package is ready to go, and we're waiting for your green light, over."

"Copy, Fletcher zero one, green light is lit, deliver the package." A voice said that seemingly came out of nowhere.

The two seated men at the desk took out two key and inserted in them in the devices. "Understood, we are turning the keys in three, two, one," a box opened up and one of them pushed the button. Suddenly there is a flashing red light and a beeping sound coming from somewhere.

"HQ, package had been launched and in the air, estimated time until impact is ten minutes."

She have no idea what was that all about, she barely understand what was going in this room nor the meaning of their conversation, what's so important about this package? Blinking one last time and now she's in a different place at a different time, she's on top of a hill half a mile from a coastal city, it was nighttime, it is calm until she saw that something is coming straight at this city, a weapon similar to the one the flying metal beast used, however before the projectile reached the city an intensely bright flash occurred, so bright that she have to shield her eyes lest she'll blind despite being aware that this is a dream, when the light died down she looks back at the city, but what she saw will haunt her for the rest of her life, in the weapon's place is a massive fireball that almost form in a shape of a mushroom, at its root is large wave of fiery devastation destroying everything in its path, like a cleansing flame sent by the Gods to burn away the filthy sinners, she tried to move but she's remained rooted in her place, the fire heading towards the hills, before she could mutter a single word the flames engulfed her, the burning is everywhere, she can feel it, her hands roasted to brown then to charcoal black, the smell of burnt flesh forcing its way up her nose, it feels real, far too real to be a dream, she screams in agony praying for this to end.

She sat up from her bed screaming, when she stops she realize that she's in her soft bed in her personal chamber, her heart is beating fast, cold sweat all over her body, breathing heavily, before she knows it the doors burst open and to armored guard came in.

"My Lady, are you alright? We heard screaming." Said the guard on the right, concern and battle ready.

With the nightmare over she took a deep breath and then sigh a relief, looking down she saw her naked breasts hanging in full view for the guards, she grabs the blanket and covers herself. "Do not worry, it's nothing but a terrifying nightmare. You may return to your post." With that the guards calmed down, bows and leave the room. "Before you go, kindly fetch my handmaiden, I need some refreshments."

The guards nodded and said "Understood" before exiting the room leaving her alone to contemplating on her unusual and strangest dream. Rising from her bed and putting on her sleeping robes she watch herself in the mirror, long silky blond hair, fair skin, soft purple eyes. Her name is Claudia Nualla Venutius, First Princess of Silvarinne and one of the High Priestess of Gaia.

She splashes some water from a basin to her face to wash away the sweat then wipe it dry with a towel. Sitting at the side of her bed she picks up a parchment paper on the right table, she looks at the quill, ink, and a long thin piece of charcoal, she's going to need more than one color.

Her handmaiden, Mae, walks in with a tray of fruits and a pitcher of water, her brown hair is bushy and unkempt, no doubt she is in a hurry to serve. "Here's some refreshments, Lady Claudia." She bowed then goes and stand next to her mistress, presenting it to her.

"Just put it on the table here." Claudia pointed at the table next to the bed, the girl nodded and puts the tray there, and she then assumes her position near the wall awaiting any request or order. "One more thing that I request of you, kindly bring me a white canvas along with a stand, and some paint and brush."

"Any specific colors?"

"Just blue and red, after that you may return to your quarters and sleep for the night." The handmaiden bowed and said "As you wish" before leaving her chamber.

She may not be a great artist like her younger sister but she's decent enough in sketching, and so with the charcoal between her fingers and some precision she draws on the parchment, the image of those strange metallic beasts is still fresh in her mind, after making a few more strokes she looks at the result, a rough sketch of the giant flying arrowhead beasts, satisfied she laid it down on the table. She grabs a cup of water and channeling a bit of mana into it to make it cold, a long refreshing drink then a bite of some grapes to ease her mind.

Once she's done eating her handmaiden return with the items she requested, Mae simply set it up for her putting all the tools in place then she asks. "You want me to refill the tray?"

"No need, I have everything I need."

After Mae bows and leaves with the tray of leftovers, she began to paint, first is a long red line at the top, after the fourth red stripes the next three is much longer, it is a simple work, when she's done with red she goes for blue on the top left she splatters paint on that side, but she leaves some white spot in the blue. Now she's done, a complete replicated image of the flag she saw, seven red stripes with six white stripes and fifty stars on a blue field.

She smiles with satisfaction but frowns, despite such overwhelming sight in her dreams there's still a lot of question left unanswered: despite knowing the banner she doesn't know the name of this nation, are those metallic beasts even animals? How could one nation can manage to build a fleet made entirely of metal and make stay afloat? How did they achieve to create a weapon with the power of the Gods? Just who are these people?

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