Chapter 16

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Devyn POV

He slammed my head onto the ground again "If you say you're mine, I can make the pain go away!" He yelled.

I stayed silent. He held up my head and punched me in the face.

He screamed in frustration "Why won't you come back to me!" He snapped another one of my ribs. I screamed louder this time.

"I need to make a call hold on a second." He told me before dialing the number "If you ever want to see your precious princess ever again meet at the warehouse on 10th street at 9 pm with 2.5 million dollars." And with that he hung up the phone.

A white cloth was put on my nose and all I saw was black


I slowly opened my eyes expecting to be in the same room but this time I was in a different room the room was much bigger. There was concrete floor and and metal walls. I tried my best to stay still so they didn't know that I was awake. But I couldn't help but wince when my shoulder was started throbbing again.

"I know you're awake." I heard Jacob say then he poked my forehead. I pretended to stir in my sleep. 

"Dude, she's still out cold." One of them said.

"She's not gonna be anymore." I felt his hot breath fan my face. Then the next thing I heard was an ear piercing scream. I jumped in my seat which knocked the me and the chair over. The guys in the room laughed and my ribs ached. I tried my best to not scream and not give them the satisfaction of hurting me.

"How about we play a game? Hmm? You get the answer right, I don't break one of your fingers, but if you get it wrong." His voice trailed off having an evil smirk on his face. 

"I told you, only I get to hurt her." Ravana walked up to the man. I looked around the room seeing about ten or so guys in here. 

Wait... I recognized one of them. Mr. Pervert? My eyes were wide with shock. Mr. Pervert noticed me staring at him.

Mr. Pervert looked at me with a sinister smirk plastered on his face "I didn't think you'd recognize me." 

"Why are you helping him?" I asked my voice muffled from the tape over my mouth "I thought you worked for Cole." 

"You got me fired." I could tell he was getting angry but he kept his voice calm. Mr. Pervert opened his mouth to say something but there was a knock on the metal door.

Everyone went silent and had picked their guns out of the back of their waistbands "Open it." Ravana demanded Mr. Pervert. He nodded and slowly opened the door revealing Cole, Billy, Mike and the seven other guys that I didn't recognize.

I tried to yell but there was duck tape over my mouth. "It's a trap!" My yell was muffled. 

I moved my mouth around until I could speak without my voice being muffled "It's a tr-"

I was cut off by a knife being held to my throat "Where's the money?"

Cole threw a duffel bag in the direction of Ravana "Now, let Devyn go."  Billy demanded.

"You know, you're being a real asshole right now." Ravana scratched the of his neck with the non sharp part of a knife. 

"Only Devyn gets to call me that." Billy growled at him. 

Ravana laughed at the effect he was having on Billy "You want her? Come and get her." Cole and his men pulled out their guns and walked up to me. The guy who had the knife held up to my neck put pressure on my skin. Piercing it. Making it so blood was seeping out of my fresh wound. I bit my lip in pain.

"We gave you the money, now hand her over!" Billy yelled in anger.

The man untied one of my hands that was tied to the chair and held it up keeping a firm grip on my wrist so I couldn't move it. He dropped the knife and put his hand on my finger. And a snapping sound echoed through the empty warehouse. He had broken my finger. I screamed bloody murder. 

Cole's men pointed guns at the man who had just snapped my index finger. Then Ravana's men pointed guns at Cole's men. "Let her go!" Cole demanded.

The man in black snapped my middle finger, I let out other scream "Put your guns down or else the next thing I'll break is her rib." The man laughed like he was enjoying watching me suffer. Without warning he snapped my ring finger. I let out a deafening scream which cause him to back away.

I let out a shaky scream "You Dick!" My eyes flickered down to my hand my finger looked to see them all deformed. Then I turned my head around to see Jacob glaring at me.

"You bitch!" Jacob seethed.

"Only he gets to call me that!" I motioned to Asshole. The pain radiating throughout my whole body was too much to take I felt like I was dying. My vision went blurring and the last thing I heard were gunshots being fired. Then it was black. 

Cole 'Mr Gorgeous' POV

She screamed louder once he snapped another one of her fingers. I wanted so badly to go to her rescue. But I knew they wouldn't hesitate to kill her. I closed my eyes as she let out a deafening scream when he snapped her ring finger. The guy who was snapping her fingers backed away.

"You Dick!" She screamed in frustration and anger.

"You bitch!" He yelled back.

"Only he gets to call me that!" She yelled at him, motioning to me. She moaned in pain and her eyes rolled back into her head. No! I just got her! She can't leave! I moved Forward quickly to get to her. Gunshots fired in my direction. I did my best to dodge but one hit my leg. I groaned and fell to the floor. 

The guy who shot me looked at me and laughed nervously, his gun had jammed "Oops!"

I stormed up to him not caring how much pain I was in. I switched his gun around slammed it on his making him fall to the floor. Limping my way over to Devyn I heard a gunshot go off and a felt an unbearable pain in my back and I fell to the floor. I couldn't breath and everything went dark and the last thing I heard was Billy's voice. 

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