Chapter 8

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Devyn POV

"My name, Cole."

I smiled, he finally told me his really name "Well, Cole, you will forever be Mr. Gorgeous. Now let the person in for Christ's sake."

Cole laughed as I walked into the bathroom. I shut the door and slid down it. Oh. My. God. I just kissed Mr. Gorgeous! I could feel that my cheeks were flushed. Bringing my hand up to my mouth I ran my fingers across my pink lips, still feeling his lips on mine.

I heard muffled noises coming from outside the bathroom. I came out thinking that is was just a regular conversation but I was wrong. My teeth gritted, I saw Cole kissing some fake blonde bitch. I shook my head in frustration and I stormed out of the room and the last thing I heard was "Devyn wait!"

I can't believe he did that! And with me still in the room. "C'mon Asshole we're going out!" I grabbed his arm dragging him to the garage.

"Wait, where?"

"Anywhere other than here." I told him my teeth still gritted, trying to get the image out of my head of Cole on the bed with that blonde bitch.


~At the bar~

"Keep'em coming." I said taking another shot.

"Bitch you're underage." Asshole whispered so no one but me could hear.

"So are you!" I slurred, clearly drunk.

"Yeah but I'm not the one drinking." He said still whispering.

"You are now." I handed him a shot.

"No I'm driving." He told me.

I glared at him and told him "We'll call a cab."

"Fine." He took the shot.


~A couple of shots later~

"You know you're really pretty." Asshole said placing his elbow on the counter then his head in his hand. .

"You're not to bad yourself." Me and him clinked our shots then chugged them down. I saw Asshole leaning closer to me. He's going to kiss me. I found myself leaning closer to him. Our lips met and my heart fluttered. I wasn't the same when I kissed Cole, this kiss was soft and warm while with Cole it was rough and passionate. I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

Asshole softly pushed me away "You're vulnerable right now."

"You know you being the good guy just makes me want you more." I told him pulling him closer and our lips met again.

"What the actual Fuck?!" Someone startled us which made us pull away from each other. I looked around to see who had scared us and my eyes landed Mr. Gorgeous staring at us his eyes filled with rage. His eyes were filled with rage! I should be the one angry!

"What do you want?"

"I want to know why you're kissing my best friend!" He stormed up to us.

I stood in front of Billy so he wouldn't beat the crap out of him. "I'd like to know why you were kissing that girl with me still in the room!" I hissed back.

He didn't answer "That's what I thought, c'mon Billy let's go." I said slamming a hundred dollar on the counter,

"Keep the change!" I grabbed Asshole's arm and we went to walk out of the bar.

"You guys are drunk." Cole grabbed my arm.

"No shit Sherlock." I slurred "That's why we're calling a cab." I informed him patting his chest.

"Let me drive you guys home, we are going to the same place anyway." He grabbed my arm.

"Fine." I didn't want to bother fighting since I was drunk out of my mind. Billy and I stumbled our way to his car.

I tripped but was caught by Mr. Gorgeous, I pushed him off me "Your welcome." He mumbled.


Who do you guys like better?

Cole 'Mr. Gorgeous' or Billy 'Asshole'

Write down in the comment section! Don't forget to vote, share, and follow me!

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