[21] Love Always

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I can't believe it. My mate, a supernatural? If you asked me that question 7 months ago I'd laugh at you and call you a dumb idiot. But now, I'd probably just nod and leave. But hey, think. If you were in my position, what will you do when your mate told you that you're a supernatural after acting like a human for 6 months. When Fa-I mean-Trisha explained everything all I felt was betrayal. I was angry and upset and confused and yet, I am still mesmerized by how beautiful Trisha is. How can she even deal with the pain of lying to me? That's what hurts the most, I guess. Knowing that your mate can just easily lie to you about everything and can survive one while freaking year with that huge, big, fat lie. Maybe I'm just not good enough, that's what made it so easy.

The thought made my heart ache and I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I paced around my room in sadness and despair. I can't believe that Fay, Trisha, whatever, can do this to me. How could she? But then again it was for safety measures. Maybe I'm just being selfish. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but what can you expect from an alpha like me? I'm supposed to be controlling, demanding, possessive and very protective of my mate. Then one thought struck me the most, did she has any male companions while I was gone? Was she with another man before?

All the frustration and anger that was bottled up suddenly coursed through my whole body, making me on the verge of shifting and out of anger and rage I threw bedside table across my room and pulled my bed upside down. I smashed the mirror in the bathroom then punch the wall in my room, making a huge dent in it. I don't care, I'll probably crash in one of the vacant rooms in the pack house tonight. With that thought on my mind I shifted into my midnight black wolf and sprinted out into the woods. Making a couple of pack members gasped and fled.

I started to hunt for animals and well, rouges. I caught one when I was just running near a stream on my territory. Without thinking I killed it and tore it's body from limb to limb. The vicious wolf put up a good fight, I'll give you that. It made a wide gash on my stomach. The pain didn't bother me that much until I was near my house. I don't live in the pack house. I live in the alpha's house. I groaned in pain and shifted back to my human form.

I was too lazy and tired to actually take care of my gash so I drifted off to sleep. It's going to heal anyways. God, I'm such a cocky b.stard.



I woke up with sweat dripping on my forehead and a huge pain on my stomach. I realized that this wasn't my pain. It's Xavier's. But isn't he supposed to be in that dinner everyone was talking about? The pain kept on increasing until I couldn't take it anymore. I leapt out of my bed and changed into an elbow-length fitting white shirt with some denim overalls and a pair of worn out black converses. I took my car keys and ran to my car. A black 2014 Maserati Ghibli. My dad has given it to me as a homecoming present earlier this year. Actually he gave it to me because I was so sad and he wanted me to smile.

On the way to Xavier's territory I mind-linked Trey to ask for his permission.

'Trey,' I said to him in our special twin link.

'Trisha, what do you need now?' He asked knowingly.

'Well, I've been feeling pain in my stomach. It's Xavier's pain. You think you can help me get a permit to get into his territory.'

'That's going to be easy. We signed off a treaty the other day. Just don't worry about it. Show them your pack mark and they'll let you in.'

'Okay, Thanks Trey.'

'Welcome twin. Stay safe.'

I cut off our link and let out a huge sigh. I'm so lucky to have him as a brother.

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