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The day had finally come

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The day had finally come. Demetri is finally going on his date with Eleanor. He has a big night plan. When Heidi heard about the date, she ran up to his room and kicked him out. Heidi has spent most of the day getting Eleanor ready. She already had her outfit picked out and already made Eleanor take a shower. Once Eleanor was done, Heidi rushed her into in a chair. Heidi began her magic. She started on her hair. She took Eleanors blond hair and curled it. Once she was done she moved onto makeup. Eleanor was not one who did her makeup regularly. It wasn't the fact that she did not like it but she never learned how to. Eleanor secretly envied anyone who could do their makeup flawlessly. She wished she was that gifted. 

Heidi did not do too much for her makeup. She used some bb cream for the foundation and did a light smoky eye with the color brown. She also added some mascara and eyeliner. Hedi then added some light blush. She finished up with some nude color lipstick. Once she was done with makeup, Heidi took Eleanor to get dressed. She put Eleanor in a short light pink dress with thigh high grey heeled boots. Once she was finished, she took Eleanor to the mirror to let her finally see herself. Eleanor could not believe who she saw in the mirror. She never thought she could look so beautiful. 

"Thank you." Eleanor said to Heidi. She turned around and gave Heidi a quick hug, which surprised her. 

"You're welcome." Heidi smiled. She was happy that Eleanor was slowly warming up to them. She knew how scared Eleanor was and was not surprised by it. Of course she had the right to be scared when it came to living in a castle with a bunch of vampires who drink human blood. "Are you excited for tonight?" Heidi asked. 

"Uhh yeah I think." Eleanor said. Heidi could tell that she was also nervous. Eleanor was nervous about this date. She did not know if she could trust Demetri yet. Heidi took a quick look outside. 

"It's almost time." She said smiling. Eleanor knew why they had to have the date after the sun went down, so Demetri wouldn't sparkly in the sunlight. Anytime Eleanor saw Emmett in the sun she would laugh and sing Diamonds by Rihanna. At first Emmett would not be happy but then ended up with him singing along. Suddenly a knock at the door brought Eleanor out of her thoughts. Heidi smiled and opened the door. Demetri was standing there with a bouquet of magnolia's, Eleanors favorite flowers. 

"Wow." Demetri said as he looked at Eleanor. "You look beautiful." Eleanor blushed at Demetris comment. 

"Thank you." She said. 

"Um, these are for you." Demetri said handing the bouquet to Eleanor. Eleanor grabbed the flowers as she said thank you. Heidi walked over to her. 

"I'll put these in a vase. You two enjoy your date." Heidi said as she took the flowers out of Eleanors hands. Demetri held out his hand for Eleanor to take. Eleanor felt sparks fly up her arm once she placed her hand in his. Eleanor turned back to look at Heidi and saw her smiling. Heidi winked at her as she followed next to Demetri. Elenaor smiled as she started to become excited for this date. 

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