Chapter 9.

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You woke up to a knock on your door. "What's up?" You called to whoever knocked.

"It's me." Liam said as he walked in and closed the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" You said, and moved over to make room for Liam to lay next to you.

"Are you sure? You're eyes are red and puffy like you've been crying." He told you as he layed down.

"I had a really bad dream, actually." You told him, as he moved the hair out of your face. "I was running, and I couldn't find you. Then I fell, and someone was dragging me." You looked him in the eyes, and he looked worried.

"I will always be here for you Mew." Liam said to you. 

"I know Liam." You replied. "It was crazy though. I hope we never run into that Charlie guy again."

"Me too babe." Liam said getting up. "Come one. Harry's making breakfast. Let's go."

"Okay." You smiled. "Let me get dressed first, then I'll be right down."

Liam left, and you went to the closet. You picked out a pair of blue jeans, and your neon orange shoes. All of your shirts were dirty so you went into Liam's room to get one. You found his black one with the butterfly on it, so you went it on. You threw your hair up into a bun and went downstairs.

"Hey Mew!" Liam said as you sat next to him. "Nice shirt."

"Thanks. I found it lying around in your room." You said, and Harry put a plate of pancakes infront of you. "Thanks Haz. I'm starving!"

"Are you sure Niall's not your brother?" Harry asked. You give him a look, and start stuffing your mouth full of pancakes. Just then the doorbell rings and Harry goes and answers it. "Hi...? Umm... What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened last night." You hear a guy say. His voice sounded familiar. "Especially to that girl. Nick told me that I had scared her a little bit."

"Umm.. Sure. Come on in, I guess." Harry says and steps away from the door letting the guy in. "Everyone's in the kitchen..." Harry leads the way, and you immediately recognize the guy. It was Charlie from Grimmy's party!

"Hey." Charlie says. "I'm sorry about last night. I heard I freaked you out a little bit." He says while looking you up and down.

"Umm... Yeah. A little bit." You answer and shift uncomfortably in your chair. The way he was looking at you was creepy. Especially when you're only 18, and this guy is about 28. 

"You kinda freaked us all out a bit mate." Liam said while standing up. He stood in front of you and told Charlie, "And I'd appreciate it if you would stop checking out my girlfriend.

Charlie put his hands up in the air. "Sorry dude. I wasn't about to make a move again. Especially with her boyfriend here."

"You shouldn't be making moves towards her at all. Ever." Harry said from behind Charlie. "She may be Liam's girlfriend, but she's my sister."

"I thought you only had one sister, Styles." Charlie said looking shocked. "Wait til the public hears about a secret sister!" Charlie turned to go out, but was stopped by Zayn.

"She's a sister to all of us." Zayn told him. "There's nothing to tell."

"Are you sure about that?" Charlie asked looking at all of our faces. "Because now that I think of it, she does kind of look like Harry."

"There's so story." You tell him. "I'm just lucky enough to have an amazing boyfriend, and 4 big brothers." 

Charlie stares you down, and you glare back at him. "Fine." He says and turns to walk away. "But there will be a story, and I'll be the first one to leak it."

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