Chapter 2.

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You and Liam seemed to walk forever which was okay because you talked about your family back home and that the time difference made it hard to talk to them. "Where are we going Liam?" You asked checking the time on your phone. You had left at 10am and it was now 2pm. "Don't you have that interview with Grimmy today?" You asked before realizing that he was looking around. "Do you even know where we are?"

"Yeah. It's been a while since I've been here though, it looks so different." He replied. Liam shook his head as if he were clearing his mind. "We do have that interview today, but there's something really important that I have to tell you, and I need to find the perfect spot to do it in." 

Liam continued to look around as if you were both being followed. You didn't know what was wrong and you certainly didn't think that the paps knew that the boys in were Wolverhampton. "Hey, do you know what's wrong with Harry? He was acting sorta weird."

"I don't think so, I haven't even talked to him today." Liam said, still looking around. "How was he acting weird?"

"Well, for starters he actually talked to me, which is weird in itself. Then he said he wanted to ask me something, and when I said that we should talk in my room, he bailed. Do you know why he doesn't talk to me the way the rest of the boys do?" You had asked Liam before, but that was when you had first met the boys and him about 7 months ago. He didn't really answer you, but you let it go.

"That is a bit weird," Liam laughed. You loved his laugh! "I don't know why he doesn't talk to you. Have you ever tried talking to him?"

"YES! All the time! But he just seems to brush me off, or you'll call me from the other room, or someone will call him! It's a bit frustrating..." You sighed. When you first met Harry you figured he was just shy, and that he'd get used to a girl living there. 

"I'm sorry babe," He said and gave you kiss on the forehead. "It'll get better. I promise." He wrapped you a tight hug, and that made you feel a bit better.

"Thanks sweetie." You hugged him back tightly. "Now, where are we going?"

"We're here." He said. He picked you up and put you on top of the brick wall. 

"Where is here exactly?" You asked looking around. "I thought you showed me all the places around here before." 

"I did. But this place is special." He took you hand, "This is the house I grew up. The house where all my dreams were realized, and where they came true. Mew... Monique Easton Williams. I just want you to know, that you have made me one of the happiest guys. I love you so much, and I only hope that you feel the same way I do!"

"Liam James Payne if you think I don't love you, then you're certainly crazy!" You scooted yourself off the wall, and into his arms. "I've loved you since I first ever saw you! And then when we actually met at that concert, I knew that I was destined to be your friend. I knew I was gonna fall in love you, but I never in a million years thought that you would fall in love with me!" You kissed his forehead and then planted one right on his perfect lips.

"That will never get old Danielle." He said with his eyes closed.

"WHAT?!" You shouted right in his face. "Danielle?! Really? Did you even mean any of what you just told me?" You started to run towards where you thought the house was. You were so emotional, and the tears were streaming down your face. You're surprised you weren't hit by a car.

"MEW! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" You could hear Liam yell after you, but you didn't stop, you couldn't. "It was habit!"

When you finally got to the house, you threw the door open, ran upstairs, and slammed your door shut. Liam was almost on your heels the entire time, you heard him and run in and up the stairs. You quickly took off his shirt leaving you in just your shorts and teal bandeau.

"HERE! I don't want your shirt! Why don't you give it to Danielle! You obviously could get used to kissing her even though she couldn't care less--" You stopped half way through, you didn't mean to say that last part. It just slipped out. You looked up into his big brown eyes and saw the tears starting to form. You had hurt him, you had the first love your life with the only words you knew that would. "I'm sorry Li... I didn't meant to go there." You looked down. There was nothing you could say to make it better.

"Don't Mew. You meant too. You knew it would hurt, and you wanna know what?" He turned to walk away, "It did. I didn't mean to say 'Danielle.' It really was a mistake, but you knew exactly what you were saying." He slumped down the stairs and dropped his shirt on the first step.

You walked to where you could see the front room, and all the guys were standing there. All dressed and ready to go to do their interview with Nick Grimshaw. They were all looking up at you, except for Niall who had met Liam halfway up the stairs and was now giving him a "Horan Hug." When you could see Niall's face, you could see that they were all disappointed. All of their faces were sunk and they looked around at each other and then up again at you. You couldn't look any of them in their eyes.

"Let's go lads." Niall said taking Liam onto the porch. "We have a show to do."

"I'm sorry." You whispered mostly to your self. You were beginning to sob. When you looked out the window you could see Liam looking at you. "I'm sorry." You mouthed again, but he had turned away. "I'm so sorry." You felt dizzy and sick. You couldn't stand anymore, so you went back to your room and layed down.

"I'm such an idiot." You said talking to yourself. "He was your first love Mew. How could do that to him? He's Liam, he's like a puppy!"

You turned your radio on and tuned it to BBC Radio 1 so that you could listen to the show. You couldn't stop crying for what seemed like hours, and when you crying started to calm down the boys came on the radio.

"I'm Harry!" "I'm Zayn!" "I'm Niall. The Irish one!" "I'm Liam" "and I'm Jennifer."

You chuckled at Louis, but you could hear the sadness in Liam's voice, and started to cry all over again. You cried so hard, that you fell asleep and didn't hear to rest of the interview.

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