Chapter 8.

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When you and the lads arrived at the hotel where Grimmy's party was, you were really excited. Harry helped you out of the car. "We should act normal, okay? I know that nobody is gonna ask, but... umm... We're just best friends, in case anyone... umm.... does.."

"Sure sure. I got it Haz." You told him staring up at the hotel. "It's beautiful." You told Liam as he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. 

"Not as beautiful as you Mew." He told you while staring into your eyes. You looked up at him and he kissed you.

"Let's go!" Louis yelled. "I'm ready to party!"

"Party hard!" Niall agreed.

The party was really intense for you. There were a lot of people you didn't know, and if you did know them you were too starstruck to say anything. You gripped Liam's hand tightly and he squeezed it. "Calm down, Mew. You're alright." He assured you.

"Harry!" You heard a familiar voice saying. When you turned around to look you saw Grimmy and Harry hugging. You could see Grimmy looking around. "Where's--. Never mind." He made eye contact with you and starting walking over.

"Liam? Nick Grimshaw is walking towards me... What do I do?" You loved Nick Grimshaw. You wanted to be his best friend.

"He's just another person." Liam told you. "Hey. What's up man?" He then said to Grimmy.

"Nothing much. Is this the amazing and beautiful Mew, you were telling me about this morning?" Grimmy reached out his hand to you. "Hi. I'm--"

"I know who you are." You interruppted him and shook his hand. "I'm a really big fan of yours." You admitted and looked down. "Why the hell did you just tell him that?" You thought to yourself. "He's gonna think I'm a weirdo, or a nerd."

"Are you?" He laughed. "Good. I like meeting fans, especially fans that happen to be dating one of my favorite people." He put his arm around Liam's shoulders and they hugged.

You laughed at them and went to go get yourself something to drink. You had met the majority of people at the party so you felt comfortable enough to go alone. You had just grabbed a soda and turned around when a guy stepped in front of you. "Excuse me." You told him and tried stepping around.

"No." He said and stepped in front of you again.

"I have to get back to my date." You told him and tried a second time.

"Not a chance." He said more aggressively and grabbed your arm. He had a really tight grip and started pulling you toward the door.

"Let go!" You yelled at him. You tried breaking free from his grip, but the more you struggled to get loose, the tighter his grip got.

"Get out of my way!" You heard him say to someone standing in front of him. You were standing behind him and he was a big guy so you couldn't see around him.

"Not a chance." You heard Harry say to him in the same tone the guy had used on you.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't messed with me." The guy warned. "I'll mess up that pretty little face of yours."

"It really is a pretty face." Harry replied.

The guy was so distracted that his grip on your arm had loosened up, and you broke free. "C'mon Harry!" You said and grapped Harry's hand and you both started running towards where you had left Liam and Grimmy.

"Get back here!" You heard the guy half growl/ half yell at you.

"What's your plan Mew?" Harry asked.

"I was thinking that this guy wouldn't wanna cause a scene." You answered. "I obviouslt thought wrong."

"Obviously... There's Zayn and Louis!" Harry pointed out. "We need backup!"

You both started running towards them. "Hey! We need help!" You told them.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked.

"You both look like you just saw a ghost." Louis pointed out.

"Kinda..." You told him, and the explained to both of them about the guy who was chasing the you and Harry.

"There's nobody chasing you now." Niall said walking up with a plateful of food.

"Who's chasing who?" Liam asked walking up behind you causing you to jump. "Calm down Mew. How many times do i have to tell you?"

"I didn't know you were behind me." You told him. "I don't where he went, but he was right behind us."

"Nick!" Harry called out. "Come here, would you?"

"What's up?" Grimmy asked. "Why are you so out of breathe?"

"Me and Mew were being chased by a really big guy here." Harry explained to him. "I was wondering who he was."

"Oh. That sounds like Charlie." Grimmy said. "He's probably drunk. He can't handle his alcohol very well. But other than that he's harmless, and he'll probably end up apologizing later on if he see's you again." He explained to us and walked away.

"I'd rather go home, than to wait and see if he's gonna apologize." You told the boys.

"I don't really wanna go home yet though." Harry said staring towards Grimmy had just walked away. You followed his gaze and realized that Harry was totally checking him out! 

"What in the world?" You thought and looked back at Harry. Harry glanced at you and quickly looked away.

"Maybe it is time to go home." Harry told the boys. "I'm actually really tired, and it's been an eventful day."

All the boys agreed. Liam gave you a hug and whispered, "I'm sorry that you felt scared and I wasn't there for you, but it's a good thing you have Harry to look after you just like a big brother should."

"I know." You whispered back.

"Don't forget that you also have Niall, Zayn, and Louis to look after you too. I don't want you to feel like you only have Haz and me. We're all here for you, and we know that you're here for us too." He told you and let go of you.

"I know Li." You told him, and held his hand.

You and the boys got in the car, and the radio was on quite loud. You put your head on Harry shoulder and whispered to him, "I saw you checking Mr. Nick Grimshaw out."

He looked down at you with a shocked look. "I was not, he was something on his back. I didn't know what it was."

"Don't worry Harry." You assured him and hugged his arm. "Your secret is safe with me. I promise."

"There's no secret." He growled.

"Fine." You asnwered.

You didn't want to make him more mad, and maybe you had been mistaken as to what you saw. You didn't feel wrong though. The drive was long, but loud, and you managed to doze off on Harry. He kissed the top of your head. "I trust you." You heard his whisper, and then you fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

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