Chapter 3.

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"I can't believe I did that!" Liam said on the car ride to the interview. "I told you I didn't wanna break her heart and that's exactly what I did." He put his face in his hands and began to sob.

"C'mon mate. It couldn't have been that bad." Niall said, hugging his shoulders. "Tell what happened."

"I'm sure it couldn't have been any worse than what she said to you." Louis piped in from the front.

"I told her I loved her and she said it back. Then she kissed me," Liam paused remembering, "She's good at that..." He broke into sobs again. "Then I told her 'I could get used to that.."

"That doesn't sound bad at all." Paul asked confused. He was driving the boys to the interview and nobody realized that he was listening.

"That's not all." Liam said, "I was about to say her name. 'Mew' was just about to leave my lips, but I had said 'Danielle.'" His sobbing continued. None of them could say anything for a couple of minutes.

"You didn't really... Umm... Say that. Did you Liam?" Harry asked in shock. Him nor any of the boys could believe it. Liam was very good at names, and it didn't sound like him to do such a thing.

"Do you really think I would joke about this? Right now?" Liam asked and looked right into Harry's eyes. "We talked about you on our walk a few minutes before this all happened." His sobbing was slowing down that he was being distracted and talking about something different. "She wants to know why you don't talk to her even though the rest of us do?"

"I don't know." Harry answered. "I just don't. I guess I'm still not used to a girl living with us still."

"It's been 7 months Harry!" Louis snapped. "And you can barely tell a girl even lives with us." Louis and Harry seemed to argue a lot lately, but nobody really know why.

"Sorry, but that's the only thing I can think of because I honestly don't know why. And I did realize that it doesn't look like a girl lives with us. She does that purpose so that nobody even knows. She doesn't want to have a reputation of being 'That girl.'" Harry stopped realizing that all the boys were looking at him, "That's what she had said anyway."

"How do you know that?" Zayn asked.

"She told me once when I was sick and she was cleaning. I was in bed and kept hearing stuff being moved and when i asked why she was cleaning that's what she said. Then she made me soup." Harry looked down and wiped his palms on his knees.

They had finally gotten to their destination so Paul pulled over. "You need to pull yourselves together lads." Paul said. "You don't want the fans to know that something's wrong."

"Paul's right." Zayn said, "They didn't even know about Mew and Liam, and I really doubt any of us wanna explain it now."

They looked around at each other and agreed. "Zayn's right. Let's do this guys, we don't want to disappoint out fans. They love us, and we don't know how they would take any news of Mew, or any girl living with us at all." Niall said. "You think you'll be okay Liam?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Liam wiped his eyes, and looked in the rear view mirror. "My eyes are all red and puffy, good thing nobody can see us, right?

"Right! That's the spirit, maybe not a very good yet, but it'll be alright." Niall said and gave Liam a really long Horan Hug.

"Alright lads. Let's go." Louis said.

They started walking to the door, but stopped a few times to take pictures with fans and sign merchandise and posters. Liam didn't take as many pictures as he usually does, but all the dedicated Directioners were happy with what they got.

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