Seven turns to look at me for a moment, his eyebrows lowering into a glower.

"What'd you say?" Seven starts slowly, something that scares me that I usually don't see in his eyes appears in them- brighter and harsher than fire itself.

"No wonder your dad left." Siren repeats, but his face slightly contorts in something- fear, I realize.

Seven snaps. He lunges at Siren and attacks him.

Shock fills my senses. I don't think, I don't want to.

I don't remember much.

All I remember is my hands finding the scruff of Sevens collar and throwing him off of Siren, a flurry of curses spewing out of his mouth. He lands harshly on the ground beside my feet, hands colliding with the hard floor. He wipes a hand against his bloody nose, smearing it across his face.

"get off," I mutter to him, "lay off," I grit out, my hands releasing him.

He stares up at me, fury glinting in his eyes. "Screw you, Adelaide," he hisses, before raising himself up.

My lips taught. I deserve it.

But my mouth, God, fuck- it moves on its on. "Fuck off, Seven," my voice is quiet. And i'm not sure he hears it.

I'm not sure i completely meant it, anyway.

But he heard it. He gazes at me for a moment before working his jaw and letting out a soft "tch," before storming off.

Siren, behind me, claps a hand against my shoulder. "atta girl," he says, his face messy, hands bloody.

The pit in my stomach deepens.

you don't understand how much I hate myself.

After that, the taunting, jeering and torture gets worse.

Until one day Seven didn't show up. He didn't show up for three weeks.

That's when I hear about what happened.

Seven Storms had killed himself.

It was my fault.

If I had done something- anything- to stop myself from not sticking up for Seven.

To stop myself from adding on to his misery.

To stop myself from being a goddamn coward, he would still be alive. But I didn't. And I blame myself for his death.

Siren moved after that, apparently shocked after what happened. Either that or his parents were mortified at what he had done. What we had done. Both families moved far away. I haven't talked to Elisa, either, since.

If only I had done something. If only my tongue wasn't vicious, if only I voiced what I was truly thinking.

"leave seven alone."

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my soul.

When Gale got wind of what happened, the goofy, crooked grinned boy I once saw was replaced by a cold, distant, cruel boy who blamed me for his brothers death. He relentlessly tortured me. I deserved it.

I think, in some cruel way, Gale reasoned with himself that since Siren had fled, I was the only connecting piece that eventually lead to Seven's spiral.


But now. . . I hope there's a chance to show my remorse. To show Gale that I am truly sorry for what happened.

I destroy everything I touch.

Yet, my fingers ache to create.

I'll never be that me again.
---present time---

I sniffle and feel a shift on the couch. I look up to meet Gale's green eyes peering confused at me.

I let out a sigh of relief. He's awake. "Hi," I breathe awkwardly, hastily rubbing my eyes. My cheeks burn brightly as his gaze lingers on me.

"W-what happened?" Gale croaks out, his throat obviously parched.

"You passed out on my doorstep. Got quite a beating, apparently. I should be asking you what happened." I reply, standing up and grabbing Gale a water bottle. I hastily make my way back and give it to him. But when he's too weak to hold the bottle up, I feel my cheeks burn.

Tilting his chin up, I press the bottle to his lips and tip it. My fingers tingle where they meet his skin, and I notice a rosy tint brushed against his bruised cheeks. No way. No way.

No, it's just because he has a slight fever. He got fucked up, and was just trying to push away the injuries planted on his skin, is all.

I take the water bottle and close it, but my gaze unwillingly settles on his perfect, pink lips. Heat rushes to my cheeks and bubbles in the pit of my stomach. Gale's watching me too, and for a moment, I swear he looks at my lips as well.

It's always my fault, isn't it?


Woooooah that was quite a chapter.

Anyways, there's a song that kinda relates to this story, it's called Start Again by One Republic. I dunno, just kinda fits. Plus it's a pretty good song.

Well thanks for reading!!! Should I change the cover of this story or no?

Have a great day!!!!!!



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