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*Last Year - December*

Chloe's POV

'Chloé?? Salut!! Ca va?' - 'Chloe?? Hello!! How are you?' 

'Julien!! Tu m'as trop manqué!' - 'Julian! I missed you so much!'

I hug him tightly as soon as he comes up to me.

'It's never a good sign that you're here in Paris! What happened now? Broke up with Niall again again?'

'Nop. Not since the last time.'

'Oh? What brings you back to Paris then?'

'What! Can't a girl go back home to check on her parent's empty house? Jeez!' I chuckle.


'I'm easing myself into going back to London.'

'You haven't been to London since the last time I've seen you? More than 2 years ago?'


'Oh, Clo!' He sighs.

'It's not that bad! I've been working on myself! I got sidetracked for a while. But I'm all better now. I finished my book, sent it to my publishers, I'm working on the edits now. It's almost ready.'

'Aww! That's great! I'm so proud of you! I knew you can do it!! But what do you mean "sidetracked"? What happened?'

'I kinda got myself a boyfriend?'

'What? Oh my god! Who?'

'Some Australian guy I met in Berlin. I've been living with him for the past few months. But yeah we kinda broke up shortly after our first anniversary.'

'Oh, I'm so sorry!! What happened?'

'I mean how can you expect it to work out when I'm still in love with Niall?'

'Still? Really? After all this time?' He asks me, shocked.

'Yeah... I can't really explain it. I just do. I know we're not perfect. And I know he hurt me a lot. And I'm not saying that I'm gonna run back to him and get back together. But it doesn't mean that I stopped loving him either. If anything I love him even more now. After all this time spent apart, once I've made my peace with everything that broke me, all I'm left with are the good memories. Like that time we ditched work and went on a stroll in Little Venice. Or when he took me to Ireland and we had a day off so we drove to the west coast and hiked along the cliffs and it was the most beautiful place I've seen in my life. Or that time we were in LA and he took me to a pub but I got too anxious and paranoid so he took me home and we had our own little party just drinking and dancing alone. Or when he came all the way from London to Paris to bring me back and I took him to Saint-Michel and he made me feel better about everything. We had a lot of good times. Despite everything, he was still so caring and loving. He made me happy. And I made him happy. Sure not enough to get him through his issues. But I know now that he's the only one who can do that. I miss him. So fucking much. I love him so fucking much. Nothing will ever change that. Whether we find our way back to each other or not.'

'Wow. So back to London, huh? What are you planning on doing? Are you gonna go see him?'

'I don't know. Probably not. Plus if he knows I'm in London, he'll find me faster than I'll find him.'

'And when you see him? What will you say?'

'Really? We're doing this again?'

'Doing what?'

The Heart Grows Fonder (A Pen to Paper sequel) [N.H]Where stories live. Discover now