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*Two Years Ago - February*

Niall's POV

I take another big gulp of beer while sitting on the piano before continuing to work on the melody I came up with a few minutes ago.

'You really shouldn't be doing this.'

'Leave me alone Clo.' I snap.

'I mean, I would but I can't. It's not my fault your drinking beer while being on pain killers.'

'Yeah well, pain killer only kills physical pain. It doesn't do anything about my emotional pain.'

'And what pain would that be?'

'You! You fucking left me! I don't even know where you are right now!'

'What are you talking about? I'm right here!'

'Nice try. I probably lost the plot, but I'm still aware that you're just a hallucination. You're in my head.'

'Good. You haven't completely lost it. Just needed to check. So what are you writing?'

'What's with the pointless questions? You're in my head. You know what I'm doing.'

'Fine! Geez! Just trying to make a conversation here! I'm not just gonna sit silently and wait till you're sober enough to stop imagining me here with you.'

'Okay. You want to talk? How about you tell me where the fuck you are? How about you tell me why after a year and a half you still haven't talked to me! Not even when possibly one of the greatest days of my life was happening last month? Not even right now when I can't fucking walk anymore for the next few weeks? Not even a phone call? Not even a message? Not even a hi Niall glad you're still fucking alive!'

'You're being a baby! It was just a surgery!'

'Just a surgery? Lots of bad stuff could've happened!'

'And they didn't! And if it makes you feel better, Izz probably didn't tell me so that I wouldn't be worried.'

'So, if you knew you would've talked to me?' I pout.

'Baby, if I knew I would've come running back to make sure you're okay.' She says hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

'You're just saying that because that's what I want to hear.' I push her away.

'Well, I am a figment of your imagination. So... Yeah...'

'Fuck off.'

'I would. But unfortunately, it's not up to me... I say that, and yet, he keeps drinking. Niall! Baby, pull yourself together! For fuck's sake!'

'Leave me alone. I need to finish this.' I empty the bottle and play the piano loud enough to forget that she's here.

I modify the lyrics I wrote on my notebook after I finish recording a demo of the song on my phone. I grab my crutches and go to the kitchen to get more beer. With some difficulty, I finally make it to the couch. I let myself fall on there and adjust myself and the pillows so that I'm laying down comfortably. I look to my right and she's still here sitting on the couch staring at me.

'You're still here.'

'Where else would I go?'

The Heart Grows Fonder (A Pen to Paper sequel) [N.H]Where stories live. Discover now