6.4 - Hotel

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Chloe's POV

I'm in the hotel in New York, just came back from an interview. I get inside the thankfully empty elevator, not particularly feeling like socialising after such a long day. Unfortunately, it stops at the first floor and someone enters. I roll my eyes and sigh as Niall comes in. But weirdly enough he's looking at me shocked.

'Clo? What are you doing here?'

'You didn't know I'd be here?'


'Oh! When I saw you I thought it's another one of your tricks again.'

'No! You told me not to do that anymore and to text you if I wanted to ask you to be somewhere. I genuinely didn't know you were staying in this hotel. You've got to believe me.'

'Alright. Calm down. I believe you.'

'Oh good.' He breathes out in relief. 'So what are you doing here?'

'Promo. You?'


'It's really hard to believe that this is a coincidence! Maybe your people arranged for it to happen?'

'Why does it have to be my people? Maybe it's yours.'

'They can't know where you're staying if your people don't give them or leak the info.'

'Why do we have to pass the blame?' He argues. 'Who cares if it's on purpose or not? We lay low, do our jobs and then go.'

'Yeah alright. Sorry.'

'I'm sorry too.' He sighs and then the elevator unexpectedly stops. 'Wow, we're stopping? Why are we stopping? Where are we?'

I look at the panel and it seems that we're in between floors. I press on the emergency button hoping something will happen while Niall is banging relentlessly on the door hoping somewhere will hear and get help.

'Niall, calm down. I'm sure it's gonna work any second now. I'm sure they're aware of the problem and they're already working on fixing it okay?'

'What if they don't know? What if they don't fix it fast enough? What if we suffocate?'

'Niall. Breathe. It's gonna be okay.' I reassure him. But as soon as I say that the lights turn off and we're left in almost total darkness.

'You were saying? They're not fixing shit! It's only getting worse! We're never gonna get out of here!' He rambles as he starts to lose his shit while I'm working on turning my phone's flashlight.

'Niall!' I shout to get his attention to me.

I put my hands on his shoulder and look into his eyes. 'Niall, listen to me. Focus on my voice.' I tell him calmly. 'Everything is going to be okay. Just breathe in deeply, and then breathe out.' He does as I say. 'That's it, again, in... and then out. One more time? There you go! We're not here okay? It's just you and me. Don't think about where we are or what's going on. It's just you and me alright. Everything will be okay.'

'Everything will be okay.' He repeats looking into my eyes.

'Yeah! So umm Niall? Do you maybe want to sit down?'

He nods, and I grab his arm and guide him to one of the edges on the side on the box. I hold him as he's sitting down and then I sit next to him.

The Heart Grows Fonder (A Pen to Paper sequel) [N.H]Where stories live. Discover now