Twelve: I Guess We Have Him To Thank For Our Continued Survival

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Alyxia herself was ready for the comfort of the frail cot after a confusing series of events that she still needed time to process. Neither Reiley nor Farron seemed to protest too much as she sprawled in a most undignified manner on the cot and drifted off to dreamland.


Alyxia would have given anything to be in the safety of her bedroom, and away from this uncomfortable throne she was currently squirming.

However as of lately, it had been determined that her bedroom was not that safe after all.

The flesh-coloured bandage that covered the cut the intruder's knife made itched terribly, but she couldn't afford to do anything except be a stone cold statue; not with everybody's eyes on her after the abduction attempt. Of course, she wouldn't exactly be subject to society's rebuke since this was a closed-door trial, but her father expected grace and poise from her even after everything that had happened.

Her eyes travelled towards Reiley, who stared at the opposite wall, completely stiff and gripping her pistol. Ever since she had shot Alyxia's assailant in the thigh and effectively saved her, Alyxia wanted to thank her but never did get the chance. Aunt Ember stood beside Reiley, arms folded with the same stony expression as her daughter. Almost spitting images of each other.

The heavy double doors opened, with none of the usual fanfare; the princess was almost abducted, and justice would be delivered swiftly and harshly. She watched as two hefty soldiers dragged a male figure between them, and let him fall on the floor in front of the royal dais. He seemed grubby, bruised and bleeding as well, judging by the dark trail he left on the red velvet carpet. But her father did not care about any of those details as he questioned the soldiers.


"Farron Lennox, Your Majesty. A roughworld errand boy. He's known to do anything to score a quick moer."

"Who does he work for?"

"Apparently no one, Your Majesty," one of the soldiers replied. "He claims to be a lone wolf, just doing the orders given to him."

"And who is this charlatan who dares order the abduction of the heir to the throne?" King Stavros seethed. He seemed more angry at the prospect of the end of the dynasty rather than losing his daughter.

The male looked up daringly at the King's face. Despite the network of bruises and lashes, he had a brave, albeit mischievous face. "Orion Denarius."

The soldier pushed Farron Lennox 's head down, and Alyxia heard a small groan of pain erupt from his mouth. Something in her felt terribly for him ,even though he had tried to kidnap her. Maybe just like her, he was stuck in a bunch of circumstances he couldn't get out of without losing his life in the process.

"I always knew that Denarius was up to no good," Stavros growled. "Send squads and bring Denarius and his family, and dispose of this rat."

Somehow, numbness and fire ran through Alyxia's veins at the same time on hearing those words. She had ro do something, anything, if she wanted to retain an inch of her humanity.

"No!" She exclaimed in spite of herself, causing Stavros to be startled, then glare at her. "No," she repeated. "If he's a popular errand boy, maybe he could give us more information about the different people he's worked for. We'd be able to root out much more crime. Disposing of him would be foolhardy."

"Do you even hear yourself, princess?" Stavros demanded. "You demand clemency for this pathetic miscreant all on the basis of a hypothetical situation?"

She stared down at Farron, who had dared to look up at her face. His chocolate brown eyes were mixed with fear and hope. A dangerous, volatile mixture. "It wouldn't hurt to try it," Alyxia stated. Why am I even doing this?

Luckily, Reiley piped up. "Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness does have a point. We could use a few roughworld assets."

The king paused, deep in thought. Aftera while, he shook his head in frustration. "Alright," Stavros relented. "But if he causes even the slightest bit of trouble-"

"We'll find a new asset," Reiley assured him. She cast a quick glance at Farron as the soldiers lifted him roughly off of the ground and carted him off to who knew where. As she watched them leave, she felt the laser stare of her father on her. She turned to meet his eyes, ready to face a piece of his mind. Let me have it. Scream at me. Do whatever. I refuse to let an innocent die.

Surprisingly, the king sighed. "You are so much like your mother. Merciful, perhaps to a fault. But that was one of her greatest strengths as well." He stood up from his majestic throne, fixing her with a rare look of kindness and shaking his head.

"Don't make me regret my mercy."


Okay, I know this story has way too many plot holes to count, but I'm tired of editing on the fly. I'll finish this no matter how long it takes me, and then I'll get to editing. What do you think?

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