Ten: You Seek Us Out, You Follow Our Rules

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Alyxia woke up to the feeling of velvet and muffled screaming.

As she pushed her body up from what she discovered to be a velvet sofa, everything suddenly hit her at once, like a giant tractor filled with smaller yet still large tractors (and yes, Alyxia knew what a tractor was, thank you very much).

The club.

The raiders.

The alley.

And finally, being kidnapped.

Whipping her head around so as to observe her surroundings, she saw that she was in a plain grey room with a single light source throwing light on her. And a completely bound and gagged Reiley attempting to move her wooden chair towards the small grey door on the other side of the room.

"Reiley!" Alyxia exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa and rushing towards her direction. "Why are you tied up?"

Reiley gave Alyxia a look which screamed I don't know, you tell me! She then looked pointedly at her bindings, as if saying, get me out of this!

At that moment, the door burst open, and in came a giant, burly man with a muscle T-shirt and the accompanying muscles. Farron entered the room after him, not a hair harmed on his head.

"You're awake," The burly man boomed, his voice echoing around the room like he had a megaphone built into his larynx. From the corner of her eye, Alyxia noticed that he had a huge symbol of a lit torch tattooed onto his arm.

"What is this place?" Alyxia demanded. "What did you do to Farron? And let Reiley go!"

The man chuckled, sending vibrations through the room. "I should be asking you the same thing. And no, I will not be untying Little Miss Murderous over here anytime soon. Lennox tells me that it would be in the best interest of our continued existence."

"What do you mean?" Alyxia sputtered. "Let her-" She stopped in her tracks as she reflected.

Farron was coming in with the man. Not a hair harmed on his head. And he said that it would be in the best interest of the organization's continued existence to keep Reiley tied up. Now why would he be concerned about that unless....

"Farron?" She questioned, utterly gobsmacked. "You're helping the people who kidnapped us?"

"What are you on about, he's been our man the whole time," The burly man grinned, slapping Farron on the back. Farron grunted from the force of the impact but did not speak.

Alyxia's head was spinning so badly that she did not see Reiley glaring lasers at Farron and Big Burly Man. Alyxia decided she would christen him Burt for now until she got to know his real name.

Farron held his hands up in a peacemaking gesture. "Listen, I can explain-"

He was interrupted by Reiley lunging towards him in a fit of anger. Unfortunately, she was still tied up to the chair, which tipped over and caused her to land on the cold floor. Nevertheless, she still struggled against her bonds.

"First, let Reiley go," Alyxia stated evenly.

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"I said, let her go." Alyxia ordered, setting her jaw and standing her ground. "Any and all explaining can be done after that."

Farron looked questioningly at Burt, who shrugged noncommittally. "As long as she doesn't kill us all, I'm good."

"Reiley won't kill anyone, yet," Alyxia negotiated. "Isn't that right, Reiley?" She questioned pointedly at the girl who had now stopped struggling.

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