Nine: It's An Absolute Riot

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I think I'm going to be sick.

After approximately ten minutes of being pushed around by various sweaty strangers, her feet being stepped on and slowly losing her sense of hearing, Alyxia decided that she did not care much for clubbing.

In the midst of the chaos, Alyxia had lost sight of Reiley and Farron. So much for sticking together no matter what, Alyxia thought as the feeling of panic started to engulf her. What if I really don't make it out of here in one piece?

"Look what we have here" Some sleazy stranger decided to use her moment of panic as an opportunity to slide into a conversation. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

"Uh, dancing?" Alyxia replied, hoping that she didn't look as uncomfortable as she felt. "What else to people do in a place like this?"

"I can think of a few things," The stranger snickered, wiggling his eyebrows. Ugh, now I'm really going to be sick.

"Well then, enjoy whatever it is you have in mind by yourself, because I have places to be," Alyxia blurted, then turned and exited promptly through an opening between two people. Ducking so that the stranger would not be able to find her, Alyxia tried to weave her way through the crowd. I need to find either Reiley or Farron, Alyxia thought. Where in this hellish establishment are they?

Suddenly, she felt a hand enclose its fingers around her wrist and pull her towards its direction. Fearing that it was the sleazeball again, Alyxia screamed at the top of her voice. However, her screams were drowned out in the din of the crowd.

So this is how I die? I thought it would be a little more noble than being murdered at some obscure roughworld club while trying to track down a subterranean group of anti-monarchists who want to kill me.

She tightly screwed her eyes shut, not willing to see her own end. But surprisingly enough, the air cleared and she could no longer feel the congestion of tightly packed bodies on the dance floor. The only answer could be that she was pulled out of the crowd. She opened her eyes to see a concerned looking Farron staring at her.

"Are you okay?" Farron inquired. "You look really pale. Are you sick?"

"Think I might be," Alyxia muttered as Farron helped her towards one of the velvet sofas that were placed around the main dance floor. "Where's Reiley?"

"No clue, she went off gallivanting by herself," Farron answered as he helped her settle down. "You look like you could use a drink."

"Just water, please," Alyxia warbled as she tried to regain her bearings. She rested her head against the back of the sofa and tried to ignore the pulsating beat booming from the dance floor. It was giving her a major headache. 

Farron came back with a glass of water, carefully handing it over to her. "Drink up," He urged softly while placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Despite her blinding headache, the butterflies in her stomach made their daily resurgence as the always did whenever Farron did something sweet.

Alyxia was grateful for the refreshing taste of the water, gulping it down like there was no tomorrow. Realising that it was extremely unbecoming of her, she paused and slowed her pace. "Thanks a ton, Farron," She gushed as she placed the glass onto the small glass table in front of them. "I feel a lot better now."

"No problem, Alyxia." He paused, before adding, "Can I call you Alyxia?"

Alyxia laughed, his hesitance amusing her deeply. "Of course you can call me Alyxia! Have I ever told you not to?"

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