Part Five... What You Might Find Behind the Office Door

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********Ashley’s POV*******

We all decided to start looking outside and we’d come back and meet up if none of us found them. I took the porches, Britainey took the garage, Jake and CC took the street, and Jinxx took the underside and the hill above the house.

We were gone for an hour and I almost gave up when we went back in and meet in the living room everyone that is but Jinxx but I wasn’t worried about that right now. We all looked at Britainey.

“Britainey where is Cierra?” CC asked we went silent and Jinxx decided to make an appearance.

“I have an idea,” Jinxx laughed as he placed a finger to his lips silencing us. With his other hand he motioned for us to follow him, we followed him to the doors of the office and he silently pushed it open. There on the recliner were the two missing game members. Britainey started shacking and when I looked over she was holding back giggles. The pair in the recliner was in a lip lock. I pulled Britainey back and the rest followed shortly. 

“Young love,” I mocked placing my hand over my heart and falling backward onto the couch when we were safely out of their ear shot. “So beautiful,” the group laughed and I sat up and looked at Britainey realizing that there were eight people in the house and now the little brother was missing.

“Where is Tristan?” I asked frantic but still kinda proud I remembered his name.

“Oh, he went up the road to one of his friends houses before we started hide and seek.” she responded sitting beside me. “You know one of us has to break them up right?” she asked the smile still present.

“You do it,” I told her.

“alright.” she responded almost instantly. She pushed herself off the couch and looked at CC. “did you bring you’re Beat sticks?” she asked with a serious face.

“Yeah,” he walked over to the storage closet we put our stuff in and came back with a set of drum sticks. “Don’t break them k?” he asked handing them over. 

She took them nodding and walked into the kitchen returning with a giant pot she handed it to Jinxx and grabbed a hold of his shirt dragging him to the door and positioning the pot in his hand ready for her to beat on it. We all sat silent as they crept into the room and laughed when we heard the banging and shouts. Britainey was back to us and next to me and Jake shoveling the sticks into CC’s hands before anyone could even blink. I heard the gong of the pot hitting something and Andy’s laughter filled the house. Jinxx was soon dragged out, rubbing his head, by an angry looking Cierra in her other hand was the pot and I think I could see a dent in the bottom. At the sight Britainey sunk in her seat next to me laughter being stifled.

“I’ve been framed!!” Jinxx shouted attempting escape and failing. 

******Cierra’s POV*******

When the seven of us split ways I ran for the office. I knew every hiding place in the house and my best one was in here. I Heard the sound of footsteps following me and when I reached my destination I looked to find Andy on my heels. 

“Hide me,” he begged. I smiled and pulled the chair out and he slid in behind the desk. I on the other hand climbed on the storage shelves and hid in a cubby behind a ceiling tile. We waited patiently and an hour went by. I could hear the movements as Andy shuffled. I shushed him and he groaned silently. I heard the door open and someone walked in. their feet shuffled and they left the room I listened as everyone was found. I eventually got tiered and climbed out of my spot and found that Andy had beaten me to my favorite chair.

“Move it Biersack, I demanded. He shook his head and leaned back comfortably. “It you do not move I will sit on you.” I demanded. He stubbornly shook his head and I released an exasperated breath, “fine.” I did as promised and leaned back bringing me pressed against his abs. I was finally getting comfortable when he attacked me. His hands found my sides and I yelped and laughed as he tickled me.

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