Part Four... Not The Right Questions Asked.

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*******************Britainey’s POV*****************

“What are we going to do now?” Andy asked he seemed to be dry now, we all threw our towels in the washer and moved into the living room.

“Hummmm,” I looked at Cierra and knew what she was thinking. We both stood.

“Are you against being kids for a while?” she asked. I was behind her doing my best beg while she did hers, Andy, Jake, and Jinxx agreed and stood by us. Ashley and Christian were being stubborn and not joining in.

“If you don’t come I will be forced to use measures you really don’t wanna bring out.” Cierra was waving her finger… just wait until they discovers what ‘Measures’ she has in mind is hitting them with a ruler. 

“What are we doing?” Ashley asks calmly. I have an idea that he knew what he was about to get into.

Cierra and I looked at each other and spoke in sync “Hide and seek.”

“Really?” Ashley asked lifting an eyebrow at us. “Wow,”

“Oh, shut up,” Jake laughed at Ashley then turns to look at us, “we do this on tour all the time, easy way to remind each other not to take things too seriously.”

“Let’s do it!” Andy threw his fist up into the air and ran around us making us all crack up laughing. ‘Ok who’s it?” I asked

“One… two… three…” Cierra started holding her pointer finger out in front of her face. “NOSE GOES!!!!” she shouts and five of us rush to put our fingers on our noses. The only two who didn’t was CC and Jinxx who were in a staring contest. I Walked over to Jinxx and lifted his hand so his finger was on his nose, that made CC blink and we told him he was it so he walked over to the corner and we put a blanket over his head so he couldn’t see.

“Count to one hundred.” Cierra decreed.

“And no skipping numbers!” Andy commented.

“Yeah,” we all agreed. He begin counting and we all ran in different directions. I Saw Cierra run into the office as I ran into her room. I hid in a cabinet in Cierra’s room and when CC finished counting the house grew silent. I heard as Ashley was found and I heard as Jake shouted at one of the other two who kicked him in the balls. It was quiet for a few minutes before anything else seemed to happen, The door to Cierra’s room opened and I silently scooted back from the doors to the cabinet. 

“Britainey? I know you‘re here somewhere,” Jake’s voice sent shivers down my spine causing my elbow to slightly graze the cracked door. Opening it a small bit more. I silently prayed he wouldn’t hear me and rejoiced when I heard the bedroom door close again. I was just relaxing again when the cabinet swung open and two pairs of arms grabbed a hold of my waist pulling me out backward and holding me to his stomach. He rested his chin on my right shoulder.

“well look who I just found,” he whispered in my ear. I couldn’t resist biting my lip and a shudder. He chuckled at my discomfort and spun me so that I was facing me. “you know what I find funny?” he asked really close to my face I could almost taste the mint on his breath, the taste I got when he kissed me earlier. I shook my head in response and his smile grew. “you invited us here and didn’t think that you would be affected,” he answered me looking directly into my eyes as if trying to figure me out.

“Simple explanation,” I began, I tried pushing out of his arms but he was stronger than I thought, I let out a breath and surrendered. “I thought you had a girlfriend.” his face fell and I took his moment of weakness as a chance to break out of his grip, what I didn’t anticipate was the fact he had some how gotten me against the wall so I couldn’t break free. When he regained his thoughts he gave me a smile, one with less happiness than usual.

“She left me a long time ago,” he told me, he may have been a kid since we met but right now he was once again the twenty something year old with a head full of worrisome thoughts, he had dropped his Hazel eyes from me but returned them so that he could look me in the eyes. “we’re over and I’ve moved on, I forgot it was all kept quiet. Did you think I was cheating on her?” I was taken aback, that was why he got quiet. 

“no,” I responded automatically, “I had no question in your faithfulness.”

He nodded his head and smiled. “Shall we move on? I belive we still have some friends to find,” I laughed and followed him out to the rest of the group.

A Birthday to Remember...(BVB story) *Completed/Editting*Where stories live. Discover now