Thirty Three. - Good is Great. Bad is Worst

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****Cierra’s POV******

I felt like such a weirdo as I stood on the curb waving goodbye to the last car full of friends. It was about two in the afternoon and I was already tiered, I would probably get some sleep earlier than usual tonight. I turned from the curb and headed back into the house it was so strange listening to the silence of the house after having the chatter of musicians for three days. We were always so much calmer when it was just us. I walked from the door to the living room where Britainey sat watching the Music news channel that Ronnie had turned on for back ground noise an hour ago when his band was all that was left. 

I picked up the remote and clicked off the TV. Britainey gave me an unhappy look but I rolled my eyes and fell over the side of the couch with my head on her leg. She started playing with my hair and I closed my eyes letting the calm overtake me.

I listened to the quiet room while she began humming, after a few minutes she shifted from beneath my head and stood up, I drifted off to the sound of water running and dishes being put into the sink.

I was woken up by Ashley who told me that he and the boys wanted to play Xbox and didn’t want to have me wake up to their screaming, he helped me stand and I rubbed my eyes walking into my room where Andy was searching for something, I stood behind him and poked his sides he jumped knocking me off balance sending me sprawled out on the floor, he chuckled at me and offered me a hand to pull me up.

“Baby what are you looking for?” I asked when I was standing once more. He leaned against the dresser and put his hands over his face mumbling something into them making it impossible to understand. “What?” I asked ripping his hands from his face.

“I can’t tell you,” he says standing and walking past me. He began searching threw drawers and eventually let out a frustrated groan and told me he’d be back. I sat down on the bed and pulled out my phone, there was a new Voice message from someone I had been avoiding calls from for the last three days, I was so afraid what she‘s have to say that I never answered. I guess this is the right time to accept whatever she says and listen to her. I opened the latest message and pulled the phone to my ear.

“Hey Cierra, it’s me again. look I know that it must seem weird me asking this of you being that you are now with Andy and I’m asking this of you but I need you to come meet me in Sedona at Café Jose at like three forty. We need to talk, I swear I will be on my best behavior I just need to talk to you. I really hope you come.” I closed the message and put my head in my hands. I should really get this over with. I change my cloths grab my keys and my purse before walking out the door yelling that I’d be back in a few hours. I took a look at the cars in the drive way and decided to just take Christian’s car it was the closest to the street anyway, I walked back into the door and took the keys.

Heading out I rolled down the windows and turned up the radio. Forever the Sickest Kids came on and I danced along to it. The drive from Cottonwood to Sedona is about thirty minutes and I was well prepared with all of CC’s CDs I slid in the disk that was sitting in the first slot of the CD case. I instantly recognized Escape the Fate I turn the dial a little higher and rock out for the next twenty five minutes. When I pulled into the café parking lot I saw a load of paparazzi surrounding the entrance I grabbed a large sweatshirt out of the back seat and slipped it on as I turned off the engine, I slid on a pair of simple sunglasses. 

When I stepped out of the car and walked into the building I went semi unnoticed. I raked my eyes over the patrons finally falling on a woman with long brunette hair down below her waist she was leaning over a small journal writing something tapping her right foot as she paused her writing. I walked over to her and sat down across from her. I stayed silent as she finished whatever she was working on and closed the book. 

A Birthday to Remember...(BVB story) *Completed/Editting*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن