Part One... Just Dumb Luck...

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Now Originally this was going to be a one-shot and stop somewhere near here but i decided against it..... plus she would kill me.

****Third Person Opening******

Today was going to be a normal day, a perfectly normal day in the life of Cierra in which she just so happened to turn a year older. Nothing special, a few happy birthdays from her family and some friends and that was all, or at least she figured that was all. 
When Cierra gets up from bed she gets ready for the day and heads out the door, in a pair of jeans and tank top with 'Sex, Drugs, Dubstep' on mid section that both appear to have been mauled by a wolverine(yes Cierra i did bring up that Outfit), to face the unforgiving heat of Arizona.
Getting outside she starts to walk down a side street and decided to take a bus to meet her best friend after realizing how late she already is. She waits patiently for the bus to arrive, jumping in her bus stop seat humming the song that has been in her head all morning. After about 15 minutes of waiting, the bus finally arrived and Cierra hoped on, soon followed by 5 boys running in after her, all wearing hoodie over their heads.

"Move." One of them pleaded to the bus driver who looked at them confused, but started moving anyways. The five boys took a seat across from where Cierra was sitting and as the bus moved on they passed a huge group of girls, running. One of the boys took off their hoods, revealing shoulder length Scene black hair (that she had to admit was sexier than the pictures on the internet portrayed), and stood up, crossing the bus to the windows on the other side, where Cierra sat and where the girls were located out of. The other boys soon followed until they were all standing by Cierra, waving to the screaming girls, who wear now trying to run after the bus, but not succeeding.

"God, I love our fans and all, but they just don't know when to quit." Jake breathed out, laughing a bit.

"Sorry boys, but I'm going to have to ask you to sit." The bus drivers monotone voice, raised, startling Cierra a little, because she was concentrated so much on the boys next to her. The boys sat down next to Cierra, Andy right next to her, then Jinxx, then Jake, then CC and lastly Ashley. Cierra was having an inner freak out and was wondering if she should ask for an autograph or something, but the boys had just gotten away from a mob of screaming girls, and she didn't want to be rude... but BVB was sitting next to her. Andy seemed to have noticed the girl sitting beside him freaking out.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked cautiously. A smile spread across her face and she relaxed a tad.

"Yeah, just turning out to be a better Birthday than I thought, when I got up this morning." she straightened herself in her seat and didn't notice the five pairs of eyes that just trained on her.

"Today's your birthday?" Jake looked really excited.

"Here we go," Ashley laughed leaning back against the seat. Earning a joking glare from Jake.

"We are actually on our way to surprise another fan for her birthday today too, want to come?" Jake asked in a joyful tone.

"Oh I would so love to but I kinda have to meet my friend so we can celebrate my birthday. I swore we would spend the day together." she dropped her head disappointed.

"I guess we understand," Andy replied grinning for some unknown reason. But if you change you're mind, here," he held out his hand beckoning for her to give hers to him. She did so and he wrote a phone number on her arm. "We can hang out later; we'll be around here for about a week. We can hang later tonight after you spend the day with your friend," her joy over took her face and Christian laughed.

"That sounds good," she replied taking her arm back. "Maybe she could come I mean she kinda," a giggle erupted from her chest and a smile spread across her lips, "has a thing for Jinxx and Jake," the boys burst out laughing and she joined in as well.

When the laughing died down the boys decided to play a twenty questions game to see how much of a fan she was. When she got one right they cheered and when she got one wrong they reassured her that it showed she wasn't too obsessive. They probably got threw one round before her stop came. It was at the local Wal-Mart because Britainey had promised to get her a new outfit for the party. As she was getting off all the boys gave her a hug and she caught a glimpse at a text on a phone that no one must have noticed went off.

'Will meet you at the house she still isn't here. A few minutes aren't unforgivable when it comes to her. I'll tell you when we leave her parents are waiting at the house. They say she's long gone so it should be safe. Thank you again for doing this.'

She didn't catch the name but it didn't really matter because she shouldn't have been snooping. She walked into Wal-Mart and saw Britainey on the phone texting like she does when she's board.

"I hope I'm not late." she voiced making Britainey smile.

"Nope, it's only seven and I figured it would take a little while for you to get here," she smiled standing up and slipping her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yep," the two walked off and began their shopping trip. Cierra didn't want to tell Britainey that she had just met the band or that she was planning on dragging her to hang out with them after whatever she had planned.

A Birthday to Remember...(BVB story) *Completed/Editting*Where stories live. Discover now