"Uhm...Err," she looks at him eagerly, waiting for his answer.

Chris can't find an answer to her question.

"To be your friend?" He answers, scratching the back of his neck.

"Really?" She gives him an 'I-don't-believe-you' look.

Brooke who has been standing behind Steph decides to speak.

"Is everything okay?"

She has been hearing their conversation and they both didn't notice her. She thinks Steph is being difficult. A lot of girls would kill to be in her position right now but that's the thing - Steph isn't like those girls.

"Let's get to class B," Steph sighs, ignoring her question. She doesn't wait for Chris or Brooke to say anything. She holds Brooke by the wrist and pulls her along.

Imagine Chris telling her that he just wants to be friends. What does he take her for? A fool?

They'd been in the same school and grade for three years and he didn't notice her.

Suddenly, it's senior year and he wants to be her friend.

Can a player like him even be just friends with a girl?

Who does he think he's bullshiting?

"What was that about?" Brooke asks in a curious tone.

"What did it look like?"

"I don't know," Brooke shrugs. "An argument?"

"Maybe that's what it was," Steph replies, not in the mood to talk right now and Brooke gets the hint as they enter their next class.

Chris watches them walk away until they're out of sight. Then he notices the few people staring at him.

"What are you staring at?" He growls at them and walks off without waiting for a reaction.


"You know you don't have to babysit, right?" Stephanie's dad asks as he drives her.

She sighs. "I know Dad."

"Then why do you do it?" Her dad inquires, giving a quick glance.

Her mum has never asked her that but she's glad her dad is asking. It shows that he cares.

"You know I started babysitting after Brody left for college?"

Her dad nods.

"Well, I got tired of staying home all alone till you guys would get back so I decided to babysit," Steph explains.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. We got so busy with-" he starts apologetically but she cuts him off.

"I get it."

She really doesn't want to have this conversation with her dad.

Her Dad sighs, "But do you enjoy babysitting?"

She smiles. "Yeah. I love kids."

A few minutes later, her dad drops her off at the house she's to babysit.

"Bye Dad."

"Okay, kiddo. Do you want me to come get you later?" He asks.

"No, I'll take a cab," she declines his offer. "And this is why you should get me a car," she adds before shutting the door. He rolls his eyes and drives off. Steph notices the car on the driveway before walking up to the porch.

She takes a deep breath and then rings the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opens to reveal a woman with blonde hair. She's all dressed up and she is beautiful. The woman smiles at the sight of Steph.

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