T E N : W A R M A S F I R E

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I feel cold on my face. My eyes cannot fully open because it's really hurt. I want to sneeze but something felt like stuck in my lung. My body, frozen. I hardly move my fingers, hands and feet. I was laying on the deep snow. I just woke up but I already feel tired. Am I even asleep?


The snow already wet my dress. Maybe I already in here for hours. I forced my neck to turn to the side. Maybe I can see where I was but all I can see were tall trees. I must have gone far from the house. I wanted to cry and scream but nothing came out. It's like every cells and liquid inside my body frozen in the snow.

My wrist burned like hell. When I looked at it, it was blueish. The shoelace I tied my hand was still on my wrist loose than it supposed to be, but the part that I tied to the bed was gone. Only half of the shoelace was still connected to my hand and the skin surround it feel burning.

This actually scared me to realized that I escape the bond with force.

The sunlight slightly warm up my cheek. I keep looking at the sun hoping that if the sun can be turned hotter a bit more so it can melt my frozen body. It was so peaceful and serenity as if I am in heaven. I closed my eyes back.

Something licked my face.

I saw a wolf right above my face. I had seen this wolf before. Seconds later the wolf turned into Nesrin and he was naked. He tried to talk to me but I cannot hear any of it. His face looked very panicked and concern. Instantly I was carried in his arms, he was running in fast speed passed the trees out of the forest.

In the fast motion, I did not aware of my surrounding. Everything was moving so fast and sickening. He placed me in front of the fireplace in the living room. There were a mattress, pillow and a pile of blanket waiting for me. He ripped off my dress with his bare hands and replace it with a huge t-shirt. The warmth of the fire helped me to breathe better.

After placed the thick blanket all over me, he finally sat next to me wore only a short pant. His face was less panicked but he still looked uneasy like he was unsure what to do. He laid down beside me and hugged me from my side, his body almost covered half of my body.


He was like a human warmer. Even I was under the blanket, I can feel the heat from his body seeped into my skin. I was instantly warmed by the fire and Nesrin side by side. I looked at his face, he just laid there staring at me. If I was not in bad condition, this position was a bit awkward. His face was just inches from my face, breathing down my neck.

Somehow he made me felt safe and warm. This guy that I only met three days ago. We just stared at each other until I fall asleep.

The room was pitch dark when I woke up. Was it passed the evening? I was still in the same position in the living room and Nesrin was still next to me, hugging me. His eyes were closed. I guessed he was asleep, he must be tired of trying to find and save me from the snow. He must be wondering what I do deep in the forest.

I tried to move my feet and hands. It's all working fine. I survived my deadly sleepwalking ritual. I think I am all fine now. Except for the sound from my stomach.

"Let's eat." He uttered right after my stomach growled. His eyes were still closed.

"I thought you are asleep." I whispered back. His eyes opened slowly.

"I can't sleep." He replied as he pulled his hand and laid on his back staring at the ceiling. "We will talk about this after we eat." He sighed and stand up. He peels off the blanket, placed it on the sofa and gave his hand to me. I stand up with his help but he did not let go of my hand. Now I realized my blueish hand was wrapped with a white cloth. He guided me to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as he picked up a plate wrapped with foil and placed it on the stove. That must be deer meat. He turned to me waiting for an answer. I am hungry but I don't mind what food to eat as long as it was vege based.

"Baked bean with bread."

We prepared our food by ourselves. Sophie was nowhere to see. But there was a pile of ready to eat plate in the foil on the kitchen desk. I guess that was food for the guards who want to eat after their shift when Sophie was not around. I feel bad for not helping her today.

Nesrin brought our food and sat the same place we sat yesterday. Once I started to dig in my food, the back door opened and a couple of guards come in but they did not look at us when they greet us. They when straightly to the kitchen. Now that I realized that I was only in a t-shirt that luckily down to my mid tight and Nesrin only wore short.

I awkwardly keep on munching my food pretended to ignore them. After getting their food warmed, they brought it to their rooms. The kitchen became silent again. But the silence was not long when River came into the kitchen from upstairs. He self-serviced himself by heating his food on the stove but he did not go up to his room, he sat down together with us.

It's been a while I saw him, he looked a bit tired than the last time I saw him. He was the only guy other than Nesrin that looked at me in the eyes. He smiled to me before took bite on this food.

"How's the prison today?" Nesrin asked as he eats his food. Now that I realized he did not go to prison today. He spends most of his 'precious time' with me all day.

"It was chaos. They knew you have found your mate. They knew she is human." River replied with a cautious tone.

"How did they knew? Any guard open their mouth?"

"Not the guard. Some prisoners saw Luna walking into the forest this morning and they can smell you on her. You knew they hunt hu-." Nesrin suddenly growled which made me jumped on my chair and almost dropped my spoon. River gave me a simple plain smile.

After that, both of them ate in silence. Nesrin and River already finished their food. River went back to his room while Nesrin made a coffee. He seemed to be on edge of whatever he wanted to say. I had been trying to finish my food so Nesrin would not be waiting for ages.

Finishing my last bite in a hurry, I went to the kitchen and washed my plate and Nesrin's. I drink warm water to warm my body. Now that I realized I don't wear warm cloth walking in this cold kitchen but I did not felt cold. I think maybe because I sat next to Nesrin. Did he have this kind of power too?

He brought me to his room and asked me to sit on the bed while he put on fire. This house was manual in everything, definitely repel technology or maybe because this place was stranded, the electricity was hard to be supplied. Whichever the reason was, life was harder without modern technology.

Nesrin came sat on the space next to me. "I want to mark you. Tonight." He said with a serious face. I stared at him with a question face. No one said anything about mark before. What is mark?

Nerissa (Lord Alpha Human Mate)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن