T H R E E : T A K E N

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I pulled my self back to stand up with Madeline's help. It was dead silent in the hall. Maybe this person was higher ranking than Mr Alpha that everyone didn't even dare to look at him directly expect Mr Alpha and our small town president.

He gave out a dark aura. It's like everything he touched will dead. A black tuxedo with messy slightly curly dark brown hair, his body was muscled and his eyes dark. He appeared as he just escaped from hell but with nice clean tuxedo on his body.


He stopped right in front of me but he did not look at me. His hard gaze was on Mr Alpha who caused the scene. At that time I just want to go back to my bicycle and disappeared back to grandma, acting like nothing happened. Nope, I just want to vanish instantly like magic.

"Take this human away." He ordered with a harsh voiced. My feet moved as soon as he ordered. I want to escape the situation but my way was blocked by a couple of people.

"Nobody touch her. Take her away!" He shouted to Aunt Bella. She quickly grabbed me passed through the guys that blocked the way.

"Aunt Bella what happen?" I stumbled to get on my bicycle. Thankfully the food for grandma was still in the front basket.

"I can't tell you. You better go back home right now. Don't go anywhere just straight back home. Do you understand?" Her voice shaking by the sudden rush. A sudden crash of glass shook us even more. We can hear some of the guests screamed from inside the hall.

Something serious must happen inside the hall. I wonder was it because of me? Was he really serious about executing me? I attend the party by invitation, I'm not sneaking in. I take one more glance toward Aunt Bella and then cycled back home as fast as I could.

In this cold breeze, I stay very carefully on the track to avoid my tire stuck in the snow. I don't want to stuck in the snow, I only wear a sweater. When I come back home, I quickly heated the food and gave it to grandma. After cleaning the kitchen, I just lay on the worn-out sofa in the living room.


It was very quiet in the winter night. I can hear the sound of snow falling from outside the window. My mind went back to the party. That guy who gripped my hand and push me down and that guy who ordered me away. Who were these people?

I pulled my blanket to my chest, ready to sleep when I heard knock on the door. Who would come to my house on the night of winter?

"Rissa? Open up, it's Madeline." She sounds a little bit distressed. I hurried to open the door to meet this guy from the party. Not the one that wanted to execute me, but the one that saved me. Madeline was standing behind him biting her nail nervously.


Both of them were wearing the party outfit in this cold winter temperature. Weren't they feel cold? There was a car on the road waiting. I don't get to invite him in, he just stepped into the house as he wanted.

"Excuse me Mr.." I don't know his name.

"Alpha Nesrin." Madeline whispered from behind him. Why these people had Alpha in their name is that a formal name or what.

"Mr Alpha Nesrin, thank you for what you did in the party. I was .."

"Pack your back in 10 minutes." He ordered not minding what I was just saying. He sat on the sofa right on my blanket while pinching his forehead. That pissed me off a bit, my lovely blanket being sat on a stranger.

"What? Why? Excuse me, I need to take this blanket off." I walked near him and pulled my blanket from the exposed edge. He just ignored me while I am struggling pulled out my blanket.

"I said pack your bag. Don't make me repeat the same thing again." He ordered again with a bit harsh annoying tone. He was annoyed at me. It should be me who annoyed, nope I should be angry for the uninvited guest.

"I am not going anywhere. This is my home. You, get out of my house." I told him while pointing straight to his face. His face twitched a bit and now he was angry. He stood up and I almost stumbled when I get my blanket back before everything spinning around.

I was carried on his shoulder out of the house!

"Put me down!" I couldn't say anything anymore because my head was hurting. I think my migraine was striking for the sudden motion shock. I was thrown on the back seat of the car. Regaining my sanity, I get a hold on the door. I don't get a chance to open the door because it was locked.

My head was hurting inside out. Every nerve in my head were pulsating and pulling everything to the core. I feel like I want to vomit. He sat next to me in a second before he ordered the driver to drive. I looked a the window to see Madeline by the road looking extremely worried.


I don't know what happen, it seemed like I was kidnapped? They should at least let me say goodbye to grandma. And why Madeline don't even try to stop him?


"What am I doing wrong?" I whispered but more to talk to my self. I sound so pitiful right now. But he did not reply to me neither did the driver. I suffered alone with my migraine while pulling my blanket that fortunately still in my grip.

When I woke up, I was on a soft comfortable bed in a semi-dark room. Why would the kidnappers keep me in the bed? They should put me in a small room on the floor. Maybe they were mafia? And they were nice to still let me keep my blanket.

I want to sleep back and waited until someone came but my migraine did not let it happen. I need to get a painkiller. Slowly, I put my blanket at the edge of the bed and crept to the door. I guess it was the door from the light from its frame.

I can't see anything in the room except for the fireplace. When I opened the door, the light from the corridor beamed on my face like a ray of sunshine which was hurting my head more. I hold the doorknob to avoid falling to the floor. It's enough to fall on the floor once in a day. Note the sarcasm.

"Where are you going?"

I looked up to a guy who was standing next to the door. He wore a smart black casual t-shirt with black jeans. He was a bit concern with me since I can see his forehead wrinkled.

"What time is it?

"It's 1.00 am."

"Oh. Do you have ibuprofen? It's for my headache."

He hesitated more to not understanding what am I saying. "Whatever you want, I need to ask Alpha Nesrin first. He will decide to give it to you or not." He politely declined my request and pushed me back into the room and closed the door. I stood there dumbfounded. Can a mafia be this nice?

I'm dead.

Nerissa (Lord Alpha Human Mate)Where stories live. Discover now