E I G H T : S O U L M A T E

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3 o'clock in the evening.

Nesrin left after he showed me my room which was just next to his room. He said I can rest this evening since it was my first day here. My room was decorated in dark red colour curtain, carpet and bed sheet were all in the same colour. The interior was as the same as his room except there was no chairs next to the window and the window was smaller. I missed my own cosy room at grandma.




I almost forgot that Madeline was coming here today with my stuff. I hope I don't burden her since I was in the top of some mountain where I don't even know the specific location of this place. Since it's evening, I can see most of the views.

Up here in the mountain except for this house and the prison building, there were a lot of trees, just trees and another mountain and trees. This place must be somewhere away from people. Somewhere the prisoners cannot escape easily.

I saw a black jeep coming from between the trees, followed by a truck. That must be the entrance of this place. Now that I realized there was a wooden guard post looked like a small cabin at the entrance where the jeep came from. It drove through the paved snowy road. Someone must be sweating a lot to clear the road from the thick snow.

I don't know what to do. Should I come downstairs to greet them or should I just sit in my room? Or maybe Madeline was inside the jeep? I when to the bathroom, not forgetting to use the slippers because the floor was deadly cold. I turned the tap into the warm side and washed my face and ensure my face looked presentable.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Madeline sat on my bed. She only wore casual cloth in this cold weather and still looked beautiful.

"How are you?" She asked while looking around the room.

"I'm fine."

She pointed into a huge beg next to her. "I don't know what to pack so I just take everything as long as the bag fits. I also bring your recipe books."

"Oh thank you so much." I walked to the bag and rummage my things out. She practically just took things that I always used.

"I can't believe you have your own room." She said as she walked toward the window and looked outside. "Mates usually stay in one room either you like it or not." She continued as her eyes scanned the scenery.

"I have a question about that. What is mate? I mean I knew what soulmate is, but how does this work here?" I sat on the bed still taking out whatever inside the beg is. My water bottle, my favourite Tupperware and my spoon set were also in here.

"He already tells you about us?" Both of us looked at each other for a while in silence. 

"Yes, that you are a werewolf." I replied as she nodded.

"And your grandma is a werewolf too."

"What?" This was shocking. Grandma can turn into a wolf? "But I am human? How can I have a werewolf grandma?" 

I don't know what species I am anymore. Please don't make me doubt my whole existence. I had lived a normal human life up until yesterday and today I feel like that's all a lie.

These made me felt like an alien.

What is normal in this world?

"You have a werewolf mother and a human father. My mom told me that she meet him when she was travelling. You are human because of your father." She sat next to me on the bed.

For all my life, I never asked about my parents to my grandma. It's not that I was not curious about them, I just didn't want to upset grandma since the topic was sensitive to her. 

"That's why you are the only human in our pack. Your mother comes back to the pack after travelling with you already inside her belly. The pack never knew about your father but he was her soulmate." Madeline continued. I just nodded.

Mom passed away when I was 2 years old. I didn't have any memory of my parents since I was only a baby. The topic of them didn't upset me and I was no longer curious about them anymore. I just want to look for the future and money.

"Oh yeah, that soulmate thing I ask you. What is it?" 

"The bond between you and Alpha. You might not feel it because you are human but he can feel it when he looked at you or being around you."

"Feel what?" It somehow sounded creepy.

"The attraction, the affection, the deep feeling of belonging. I don't really know how to explain this since I didn't find my mate yet. Alpha should explain this to you since he is your mate." She laughed feeling shy about her own statement. "But all I knew that the mate bond would make him want to stay with you and protect you from anything."

"So it's a lovely thing." I don't really understand fully but it's not a bad thing so I am cool with it, for now. Not that I have to stick with him forever was lovely but the soulmate thing sounds nice.

"I  don't want to explain more. I mean I can't explain more.  Just ask him, he will show you."

I huffed. "He barely talked to me. I can't help but feel a little bit scared when I saw him turn into a wolf. His eyes turned all black! That's scary." I uttered before I realized that Madeline also can turn into a wolf. "You must be cute in wolf fur!" I laugh at her annoyed face.

"No! I am not turning into a wolf for you to pet me." She escaped from the bed and went back to the window. I stood next to her, both of us stared to the black building next to this house.

"Do I need to stay here with him because of the mate bond or because I have debt with him?"

"Both." She replied shortly, don't want to explain further. 

Then she continued as her eyes still fixed on the building. "This prison was the scariest place in the werewolf world. I had been listening to the horrifying story about the prisoners here since I was a kid. They keep most of the high profile serial killer who kills for fun. It is very dangerous for you to be here. Since most of them kill-"

The knocked on the door stopped Madeline to finish her sentences. Nesrin came inside with a cold face. He looked angry for some reason. "Time out. You have to leave now." He stared at Madeline while gesturing to the clock on the wall.

3.45 pm

It's not 4 pm yet but he already urged her to leave. But Madeline did not say anything. She grabbed my hand and forced a hug. I hugged her back and patted her back. "Thanks." I whispered to her ears.

"Stay with Alpha." She whispered back. I can barely hear what she said since she said it very slow and fast but I think I got the message.

I greeted goodbye to Madeline before she got into the jeep. Waving goodbye to her somehow made me feel sad. Now that I feel like I was left alone in this place where I don't know them too well. I was okay yesterday since I knew Madeline will come but now I don't know when will I got to see her again.

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