I'm just like you

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We left the hotel and started heading to another bus stationed. There was a park across the road. We had 30 minutes until the bus showed up. I dragged both Artemis and my uncle to the park. We all say down on the bench. I took off my jacket because I was hot.

These little girl walk over to Artemis.

" Is this your boyfriend he hot " I choked on air these girl were around 11

" No, he my brother"

Then she looks at me and point to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes around my age.

" That my sister she wants your number "

" Sorry I'm taken" I tell her

She walk back over to her sister. Than her sister came over to me and my sister. It was only us because our uncle went to take a piss.

" Are you gay"

Are you fucking kidding me. You can't go up and ask someone that it's rude as hell.

" Why? "

" I just wondering that's all" She says a second after I ask the question

" I'm Bi" I tell

"Oh ok"

" Is there anything else you need"

" Nothing else my little sister bi and I been trying to find someone else that like same or both  genders because she think that she weird because of it" The bigger sister tells me

The little sister waves at me shyly.

" What's your name"

" Mary" She tells me

" Well I like both and there nothing wrong with it because you can't control you feeling"

" Thanks but why would you help me"

" because I used to think the same thing I'm just like you"

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