Come on this again

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Percy Pov

I want to say

" When did you start getting in my love life because you can't get none"

All the Gods and goddesses were laughing. While Zeus was red as a tomato .Then I realized something.

" Did I say that out loud " I ask

Everyone nodded

"  Fuck a duck "I whisper

" Why would you want to Fuck a duck " Ask Aries

" I never said I want to 'fuck a duck'  after all I could have meant you go fuck a duck" I answer

" Holy mother Gaia a sea spawn said something smart" Athena yelled

" Well I was never technically stupid I just act that way because I use to get bully and I just never stop acting stupid. But now people tease me about being dumb" I explained

" except I have the worse advise ever just remember that " I added

" How do you know you have the worse advise" demeter wonder

" This kid jake ask me about this girl he like" I took a breath

" He explained how she act I not very good with girl. So, I told him that she didn't like him. He was sad for three months but move on. Turn out that she actually like him " I Finish

All the gods and goddesses chuckle .

" I felt bad for the dude" I rub my neck sheepishly

" So, what you guy want talk about" I ask

"You and me" Apollo said

Artemis Pov

Percy lool like fire truck. He made a dash for the door and ran outside.

" Come on this again " Apollo yelled chasing Percy down half blood hill.

Then he flash away. We all stop running to think of where he might go. Then I got it his mother.

" He at his mother" I told them

I also told them where she lived. We flash right out their door. I nodded on the door. Middle age women answer the door. She had brown hair with a few gray strips. And blue eyes with a hint of green.

"  Have you seen Percy Mrs.Jackson"

" yes he in the living room and it's just sally ladies and lords"we all nodded

" would you like to come in "we nodded again

" Percy you have visitors" Sally said as we walk in

The apartment was small but cozy.

"  I be right there" He yelled from one of the other room

" would you guy like to sit" All the girls sat down while the male all stood

When Percy walk in and saw us. He started to walk back to his room I think.

" Don't you dare Percy"  I said deadly calm

I can see him mentally cringe. It wad kinda funny to watch. But he made dash to front door  when I tackle him to the ground.

"  Just let Apollo talk to you and we won't be there ok" I said

" okay"he huffed

" can you get off me first" He ask

" if you swear not to run"

" fine I swear on the river Styx not to run until me and Apollo are done talking" he swear

So, I got off of him.

" come on Apollo to my room" he said walking to what I guess was his

Apollo follow him to his room. After couple of minutes they walk out of Percy room. Percy had a smile on his face. While Apollo had a goofy grin on. They were also holding hands.

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