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Third person pov

" Come on please"  Apollo begged

"Nope sorry"





"Yes "

"Yes" Percy said by accident

"Ok so, who is it" asked Athena

" The begin of their name at least " Demeter pestered

" Please " asked Hestia looking at Percy

"It start with A" Answer Percy

" So, god , demigod or mortal"  Poseidon asked his son

Percy Mumble something.

" What was that son "

" God"

" So, either Aphrodite Athena Apollo Aries or Artemis" Hermes answer

" How do you know I'm bi"Percy question

" Because you dated this boy Robert in 5th grade" Said Aphrodite

" That mean you saying you can't keep your mouth shut"

"Yep wait hey"

Everybody burst out laughing.

Percy pov

After we were done laughing they all started ask questions again.

" ok ok I'll tell you " I said

" If you can find me" I added as mist travelled out

The last thing I saw what all their shock faces.

Sally's apartment

I mist travelled to my mom apartment to see everything same place it was when I left.

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom cooking. I walk up behind her and said

" Hey mom how it's going "

She jump three feet in the air. She smack me on the shoulder.


"You almost gave me heart attack Percy"

Then she gave me a bear hug.

" So, how have you and annabeth been " Mom ask

" Annabeth cheated on me" I told her

" Oh I'm so, sorry" then she gave me another bear hug

" It's ok I think I in love with someone else"

"Oooo who"

"Um apollo "

" The sun god Apollo"


" I'm happy for you my baby boy"

"Thanks mom"

We sat down at the dinner table and talk for a bit while she cook . She brought out her great blue cookie.

" I'm running from the Gods" I blurted out

" Why " She ask raising an eyebrow

So, I explained to her about what happening me sobbing and they asking about who I'm in love with. Then me coming to her apartment.

" If they offer you to become a God say yes" My mom said

" Why " I asked

" Because I know you would be happy being a God with Apollo" She answer

" What about you guys"

" Ask the Gods if you can come and visit us " My mom said

"Ok if they ask I'll say yes if they want me come and visit you guys" I said

"Well you should go back to the Gods now" My mom said getting up

" ok bye love you"

" bye honey love you too"

Off I go to throne room to see the Gods.

The love of the sun godМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя