Let the quest begin

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Artemis Pov

It was the day that we get to turn into demigods. Apollo was excited because will be on the quest to find Percy. The part of the prophecy that didn't settle right with me is the last part. ' At the end of the day, you'll find him in a different way'. Percy is like a brother to me. I just hope that he doesn't change for the worst.

I walk into the throne room. Everyone was there but my uncle Poseidon. We waited a minute before he flashes in. He looked very very tired for some odd reason. I was about to ask why when my father spoke up.

" What the wrong brother" 

" My wife kept fighting with me not to go she said if I did we were over," My uncle says

" Well I could end your marriage if you want, "Hera said looking at me uncle

" I would like that sister thank you!"  He thanked his sister

She nodded and look at me and apollo. My uncle walked over to us. My father started to talk in ancient greek. When he stopped I was sick to my stomach. That the last thing I thought before I passed out.

Time skip 1 hour

Apollo Pov

After my sister and uncle passed out so, did I. I woke up I looked around to see me in my temple. Being taken care of by Hestia. She was sitting by the hearth I have. She smiled and walked over to me. She sat down in the seat next to the bed.

" How are you feeling " She ask

" To be serious  I don't know how to feel anything but sadness since Percy disappeared,"   I tell her

" well you will find him  I just know it," She said having hope in her eyes

After that we didn't talk anymore. Then my uncle woke up than my sister. I was happy to finally leave to find Percy.

" Let the quest began" I yelled running to the elevator

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