Chapter 3: Maple Syrup.

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Monday May 18thhhhhh, 2020

Hᴀᴘᴘʏ Vɪᴄᴛᴏʀɪᴀ Dᴀʏ ❤︎

Woooooo only one more week until I publish my Haikyu bookkkkk! ꕥ



Soviet stopped in his tracks. The retired Country was in the hallway of America's house. He was only a few feet away from the door, and was about to slip his musty old boots on when Canada said that. It had been two hours since the States vanished, and the Russian didn't want to sit around anymore. He wanted to go to the Library right this second and slap America for doing something so stupid.

He knew America had called his States back to their land.

It was the only reason they could have disappeared, and he knew that.

But Canada didn't.

He didn't know that America had called his children back to him, but he had a feeling Soviet was going to the Library. And he had seen too many movies. This was where the two side characters go to a creepy place and something bad happens. He had never been to the library, and didn't plan on going to a place he should have never been told of ever; it made him uncomfortable.

"W-What if your t-t-tracked? Mister United Nations-s And Miss E-European Union aren't s-supposed to kn-know about it, right-t?" Canada stuttered out his question, and USSR looked at the ground.

He izzz right...

The crazy retired Country took a deep breath. He was about to do something insanely reckless. But somehow, the scared-out-of-his-mind Canadian managed to stop him and make him reconsider his actions. There was only ever one person who had that effect on him, but he would never speak of their name.

At least, not while himself.

"вы правы." (You're right) He mumbled, and walked back into the Living room, where Canada sat in the same spot on the floor. Soviet was actually thinking of making Canada his assistant, to keep him from doing crazy stunts. Why? He didn't know himself. The old Soviet Union would have flipped Canada off and chased after a crazy America, and he would have defenestrated Canada's Maple Syrup out when they first got into the Country's car.

But he's changed. That's what happens when you go soft, only for it to punch you in the face and call you a coward. That was what Nazi said to him when he found out that USSR was accepting of Pride. That was what Nazi told him when he sided with Britain. A coward. And much more than that.

But the Russian was somewhat happy he had gone soft. If not, then that special person in his life would never have helped him. And now, here was a Canadian, too nervous to say anything without stuttering, that had made him calm down. "Давайте оставаться," (Lets stay) Was all he said before he went to the kitchen to raid America of all his alcohol, if he had any.

Which he probably didn't because he had a house of fifty-one children. If he had any, it would most likely be in America's room, but the retired Country didn't want to walk all the way upstairs and find his room. That was kind of creepy, and he was too tired.

Canada sat on the floor, too stunned to stay anything. He stared his dark Green orbs into space for a minute or so, and he didn't even appear to be breathing. The Scary Commie just listened to me. The Scary Commie just said that we will stay.  Those two simple sentences kept repeating over and over in his head before he snapped out of it and went to his car, getting a bottle of Maple Syrup. He normally wouldn't dare leave Soviet in his brother's house alone, but he needed his Syrup.

He walked back inside to see USSR on the couch, with only one bottle in his hand. "Amerikkkan Whiskkkey. Only one. Grozzzzz," He said, than noticed Canada with his bottle.

"M-Maple Syrup?"


Canada and Soviet Union have been in America's house for hours now, and it was around eleven O'clock, past Canada's bedtime, and still a few hours before Ussr went to sleep.

Soviet didn't know why Canada was still awake. He himself just stared his brown orb into the ceiling, not daring to look anywhere else. The Canadian had said that because it was a gigantic circle couch, Soviet could have one side and he would have the other. The Russian kept his ushanka and coat on, simply because that was what he always wore.

After Canada had picked up the dolls and action figures that littered the floor, he went to a random spot at the wall, and stared. USSR was about to say something: he didn't think it was normal for someone to stare at a random spot in the wall, before Canada knocked a few times, and the wall clicked and a door-sized section opened, leaving the Russian confused. Vvvvhat the heck-

It was a closet.

Canada walked inside before he came out with two blankets, one for him, and one for his companion. He closed the door with his foot, and the door went right back into place. The retired Country only saw wall, and thought his eye was playing him, until he saw Canada in front of him, handing him a blanket. Soviet looked at him dead in the eyes.

"жениться на одном из моих детей." (Marry one of my children)





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