chapter 10

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*It's the next week and they're on their way to the doctor's office to find out the sex of the baby*

Rachel: I know that it's a bad question... Kind of selfish actually, but what do you want? A boy or a girl?
Finn: Nah, it's not a bad question. I think it's totally fair. *smiles at her* You promise you won't laugh?
Rachel: Of course!
Finn: I want a girl... *looks back at the road while driving*
Rachel: Really? Wow... I thought you would want a boy.
Finn: I just like the thought of having a mini you running around!
Rachel: You're so sweet. I love you, you know that?
Finn: I know. Well, what about you? What does the lovely lady want? Boy or girl?
Rachel: I don't really care... But I still think it's a boy.
Finn: How can you be so sure?
Rachel: I'm not. He just kicks hard, so I think he's a boy.
Finn: Hmmm.... Maybe my little munchkin will be a football player like daddy was in high school! *puts his hand on her belly*
Rachel: Yeah, and I think he's going to be as big as daddy too! If this *points to her bulging stomach* is any indication!
Finn: *chuckles* I still want it to be a girl.
Rachel: I know you do. *looks at him and smiles* Hey, what's wrong?
Finn: *looking ahead with a concerned look on his face* Nothing. I'm just worried about you. You're so big, and you're only 5 months... It makes me wonder if there's more than one baby.
Rachel: Finn... I'll be fine. And I highly doubt that there is. They would have found it by now.
Finn: Yeah... But still.
Rachel: Well, we're here... So we'll find out soon enough!

*They get out of the car and walk hand in hand into the office*

Finn: Nervous?
Rachel: Not especially... Anxious maybe, but not nervous.
Finn: Yeah, me too.
Doc: Mr. and Mrs. Hudson?
Rachel: *tries to get up but her bump won't allow her to*
Finn: *laughs a bit* Here, babe. *helps her out of her seat*
Rachel: Thanks.
Finn: No problem.

*In the room with the doctor*
Doc: So! It's nice to see you two again. Excited?
Rachel: Very! *smiles* How long is this going to take though?
Doc: It shouldn't take too long. Should we get started?
Finn: Definitely. *holds Rachel's hand*

*Rachel lies down on the examination table and pulls her shirt up.*
Doc: Ok, Rachel. This is going to be a little cold.
Rachel: Ok.

*They do the procedure and are looking at their baby.*

Doc: Well! This is surprising, but you're having......

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