7. Spooky Chambers.

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Songs for this chapter are:

Heaven - (Goblin OST)

Stay with me - Sam Smith

B.O.M.O - Tatiana Manaois

Okay - Whatuprg ft 1k phew

Six years ago...

"Your highness, your father commands your presence in his chambers right now and asked that I come to pick you, " Mrs. Jones said with a bow as soon as she walked into my room.

I had known the woman all my life, and I grew up getting used to seeing her which made me a little familiar with her and I respected her a lot.

I always felt sorry for her and I hated my dad immensely for the things he did. I had seen my dad punish this innocent woman numerously. He had done the cruelest things to her. I watched him hang her to the high walls of the chambers once, whipping her with a fat stick till her clothes were covered in all of her blood. I had watched him attempt to rape her but I could not stop the act because I was scared for myself.

My mum came in just in time to stop him and that earned my mum a slap. My mother fell and lost her baby in a miscarriage. Her water broke.

I loathed the things my father did to everyone around me. Yes, I was only eight years old but I could see what was going on and it made my heartbreak. It made me cry a lot, terrifically.

My dad killed my mother last year for what I knew not off. He killed her right before my eyes with a broken, alcoholic bottle and warned me that he was going to do the same to me if I acted like she did but I could not understand what exactly she had done that was wrong as to warrant my dad breaking a bottle on her head.

All she had done was to come back to the castle with a few grocery bags in her hand and I wad just about to run into her widely open arms for an embrace when my dad came right in the way with an almost empty bottle in hand. My mother froze. She was scared. I was too. He asked her where she was coming from but before she could even create a few words from her numerous stutters, I'd heard a loud crash and the next thing I saw was my mother holding the side of her head where the bottle had landed on. A wince escaped her lips and she groaned pathetically until she fell to the floor and died.

Her blood was splattered on the walls and it remained that way whenever I visited that room where she died. Her blood remained there and her body? My dad left it there to decay. She meant nothing to him at all to the extent that he had left her dead body to rot. He could not even bury her. He wasted her life.

I kept going to that room dispute how sickening the stench was until I was prohibited by my dad from going there. Ever since she died, I lost myself and I could not possibly get my life back. I witnessed my dad shooting his brother in the legs as well till he became unable to walk and was cast into the icy castle for perpetual isolation.

My dad was a monster and he was disgustingly unashamed of his monstrosities. I lost everyone around me that I could lean on. I was all by myself. I never wanted to see my Dad because he was a devil.

But Mrs. Jones survived it all and the least I could do was to respect her for surviving. She was always very quiet and loved to mind her business, unlike the other workers who gossiped a lot. I could not blame those who gossiped because that was the least they could do to express their pain. I could feel Mrs. Jones's pain because it was always so evident in her eyes. It must be so heartbreaking to keep all of the anguish inside and having to go through it every single day. I wished I could help her but she scared me sometimes with the bland, harsh, and forlorn look and always wore on her face.

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