1. The Gust of Wind

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Songs for this chapter are:

Be yourself - Wande

Girl - Gawvi

So alive - Gawvi

More to me - Wande

Criminal - Gawvi ft Daramola

Be the Light - Wande, Evan, and Eris

Vanity - Gawvi


I grew up among people who were used to experiencing problems. These people were very familiar with bad news, that they could sense it from miles away. Once a person from this group of people sensed something bad soon to happen, everyone else tries to stop it from happening, or if it eventually does, everyone tries to stick up for the affected person so that problem would not damage them beyond repair and to prevent them from falling and hitting rock bottom. These people defend each other and they "stick together"

These people were my family and of course since I was just another addition to these already existing people, Were they not supposed to stick up for me too? I mean, I am the fifth born child of this big family so I had four elder siblings, which was supposed to be to my advantage of course.

Hold on.

It's not like my siblings were bad people. I'm not stating these things to mislead anyone reading this. All of this leads to something. A tragedy that would have your jaw dropping in disbelief.

I loved my siblings a lot. They did stick up for me. I had two big brothers and two big sisters. I was very close to my brother, David, and was very close to my sister, Demi. They loved me and did spoil me like any big sibling would spoil their pretty little sister. My dad was the best. He kept all of my little secrets and would spend his last hard-earned money to buy me dolls of all shapes and sizes. My dad was my superhero. I thought he had all of the money in the world and so I would walk up to him and ask him for almost everything and he never told me no. If he wouldn't get it for me himself, he'd tell me to go meet my big sister, Yemisi, and my big brother, David, and would tell me too that they were willing to care for me and they truly would whenever I approached them.

Although, my brother David was mostly always very gloomy and liked to be alone, writing constantly on a broadsheet or trying to solve mysteries behind shapes with so much seriousness and little me always thought he was just obsessed with toys at his age. But he never failed to accommodate me and smile so brightly whenever I came to him. I used to think he had to feign a smile so he didn't scare me away but over the years, I came to realize that I gave him joy instead.

My siblings did love me greatly and so did my Dad. I had these great people around me and I felt like coming into this family wasn't so bad a decision after all since they seemed willing to stick up for me as well.

But what happened and how could one possibly deal or even breathe with having the sourest relationship with their mother? The one who gave you the chance to experience this phase called life?


I thought a child always had this inexplicable special relationship with their mother since the fetus gets to abide in the mother's uterus for nine months, comes out through vaginal birth, Caesarian session, or even through surrogacy. There are so many obstacles that come with conception. A miscarriage could occur, the child could eventually be a stillbirth after strenuously bearing the child in the womb, and worse still, both the mother and unborn child could lose their lives.

But a mother who successfully conceives her child is a winner hence why the child is unexplainably bonded to the source of its life which is pretty reasonable.

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