Chapter 16.

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(Quick Reminder - A black pirate is the evil pirates, the ones who enjoy killing and burning down towns. They attack other pirates and kill them unless they join them. They almost like death themselves and all fear them more then Satan himself.

There five types of pirates... A normal pirate, a good pirate, a black (evil) pirate, a dead pirate and a retired pirate.

Also I'm hoping you all know what the black spot is, its like a curse for pirates. They say the one who gains a black spot on the sea will soon die by the sea or spirit depends what version you enjoy).  

"Why did we get stuck with this job again" Shiro huffed as he pulled one leg of a pirate in Zarkon crew known as Sendak. 

Sendak was one of the most feared black pirates, he enjoyed the hunt in killing and show no mercy. He kills any in his way and he finds joy in taking a life. He was tall with a huge body built even towering over Shiro. He was mostly bald apart from having a line of light brown hair in a patted down Mohawk style with the rest of his head shaven. Light brown eyes filled with murderous rage as his right eye had a scar running over it. His right arm replaced with a weapon used to kill many. His skin was dark and filled with scars by those who were brave enough to fight for a chance to live another day. 

"Becuase we wouldn't risk someone else's life to take care of Sendak" Pidge sighed as she pulled on Sendak other left while they dragged his body. 

"Well next time I'm voting we send someone else to die, being nice is really a pain" Shiro huffed as Sendak wasn't a light man to drag.

"Yeah, I agreed. Maybe we just find a man with a black spot and high five them for it to pass on to us ... Death seems so much more fun then dragging this guy body" Pidge grumbled and Shiro nodded.

"One more pull" Shiro mumbled as they reached the edge of the island cliff, the sea just under.

"Not yet, we gotta tie his ankle and tie the other end to the tree to stop him from falling to his death" Pidge replied as she started tying Sendak right ankle.

"Letting him drown doesn't sound so bad as I know how many he killed and how many more he'll kill" Shiro grumbled and Pidge frowned.

"Shiro, Thace wouldnt have wanted us to start randomly killing those over revenge. I hate letting him live but we better then him" Pidge replied as she walked over to a single tree randomly grown before tying the other end of the rope.

"He killed Thace, he even burned down 'Blade' ship. How can you not be mad" Shiro yelled back, anger in his eyes.

"You think I'm not, I was there when it happened both me and Keith was. We watched as that man killed our captain .. Our father before us. We barely survived and as our wounds stunned by the salty sea that was trying to drown us .. we watched him shoot canons at the 'blade' before setting it on fire .. some of the crew was barely alive as they burned. I want Sendak dead more then anyone but Thace wouldnt want us to become a black pirate not for his pride" Pidge whispered yelled back with pain filling her eyes and Shiro looked down in shame.

"Sorry, I just lost my cool" Shiro frowned and Pidge shook her head.

"Lets just get him hanging over the cliff, his arm will free him from the rope once he wakes" Pidge smiled and ran over grabbing Sendak leg once more.

"One last shove" Shiro promised as he picked up the other leg before shoving, watching the rope tighten as he hang from the cliff.

"Damn, the rope didnt break" Pidge muttered as she glanced to Sendak hanging still.

"What about the big speech about Thace wouldnt want us killing him" Shiro joked as he glanced to her.

"Yeah but if the rope broke by itself then gravity helped kill him not us .. loop hole but it seems the rope is strong"  Pidge explained and Shiro chuckled.

"Well we better head back, I'm sure Zarkon will notice his lookout didnt return" Shiro smiled with slight worry in his eyes.

"Yes, the battle will be starting soon and all I can do is hope Matt will find the cave in time" Pidge slightly smiled as they started walking.

"What will we do if the rumour was truth" Shiro asked  glancing back to the sea before turning to look forward.

"Matt was born on this island just like me and Lance. The rumour says only the blood of this island will find the cave or if they truly need the cave. Matt is under both, he was born on the island and he needs to find the cave to hide the treasure from the world. I know he find it" Pidge smiled with slight pride.

"Well lets make sure we keep any trouble of his back as they step onto the island" Shiro smiled and Pidge nodded.  

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