Chapter 3.

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"i must say, Lance does look more of the captain then you pidge" Hunk mumbled as he looked to Lance who stood on the ships wooden railings enjoying the breeze.

"He does, maybe when he gets use to the ocean more then he will become a captain of his own ship" Pidge smiled slightly as she looked to the taller pirate. 

"are you going to tell him about the reason why your pirate, i know you haven't told anyone but us two and the brothers but you seem close with Lance" Keith asked with a small smile.

"close" Pidge asked surprised. 

"yeah, its hard to explain but you seem to smile a little more around Lance and have enjoyment in your eyes when hanging with him. He brings out the brighter side of you and well its like your both connect to each other" Hunk smiled brightly and clapped his hands together. 

"then maybe i should see if our brothers would take him on their ship, its best if he doesn't get too close to me" Pidge sighed.

"pidge, Lance seems strong and I'm sure he wouldn't just let you leave him on another ship unless you give him a good enough reason. Why dont you let him stay and maybe he can help you heal" Keith smiled sweetly and ruffle pidge hair slightly. 

"maybe but if he gets too close .. then i will ship him" Pidge warned and her old friends nodded in agreement before watching her walk over to Lance.

They notice pidge holding a jar of dirt behind her back and smirked at the prank she was going to trick Lance with. 

"hey Pidgin" Lance grinned and jumped down to stand before her.

"Hey Lance, i need a favour" Pidge asked with a sweet smile. 

"a favour from me, sure" Lance smiled brightly at thinking pidge needed him more then Keith. 

"Look after this magic Jar of Dirt" Pidge grinned and held it out to him.

"jar of dirt" Lance asked unsure.

"its magic, please look after it well for the next couple of days" Pidge smiled softly and patted his arm before walking off to the captain cabin to check the map. 

Lance looked at the jar with a frown before smiling and running over to hunk and Keith.

"guys look at this jar of dirt, Pidgin trusted me and me alone to protect it" Lance cheered and the other two pirates did their best not to laugh.

"wow congrats man, Pidge must really trust you" Keith smirked and Lance nodded like an excited child.

"yeah, i think pidgin must really like me to trust me with her magic dirt" Lance smiled brightly and jumped a little.

"well enjoy being needed" Hunk smiled and Lance nodded before running off to show the rest of the crew the jar of dirt.

"oh god, he really is stupid" Hunk slightly smiled and laughed slightly.

"he really excited over a jar of dirt" Keith broke out laughing before turning as they noticing a laughing Pidge inside her cabin, they guessed she must have listened in on what Lance would say. 

A day passed and they notice another pirate ship coming towards them. The crew got ready to fight but pidge stopped them when she notice a white flag. She watched the other ship come close before pulling up and placing a plant between the two ships for them to walk over. 

"please enter our ship" A voice called from the stranger ship and Pidge called for lance and Keith to come with her. Trusting Hunk with her crew and her ship and trusting him to give battle orders if needed.

Lance walked first with pidge behind him and Keith behind her. The three jumped down and pidge glanced to notice lance still holding the jar of dirt, it took everything in her to not laugh. She decided to glance around the ship and look for any clues. It was a ship slightly bigger then hers with more crew members and canons. 

She watched the captain walk towards them and her eyes widen as it was a female, a female who wasn't hiding the fact she was a female. She was tall with a great body and dark skin. She had long white hair and blue eyes. She had pink tight trousers with blue boots and a long sleeve blue shirt. A pink long jacket and a pink and blue captain hat. 

"we mean no harm, i am captain Allura and this is my ship Castel" the female captain spoke and stopped before Lance. Keith smirked since the captain thought Lance was the captain of rover. 

"Pass me the jar" Allura asked as she notice Lance holding onto it tightly and protectively like he was hiding something.

"no way, its my jar of dirt" Lance huffed back and pulled it away from the captain making allura crew pull their swords and pistols out. 

"I think your after captain Pidge not a Jar of dirt" Keith spoke up crossing his arms and glaring at the crew. 

"he right, now lets have a friendly talk captain Pidge" Allura sweetly smiled while pointing her sword at Lance.

"he the captain" Lance spoke up slightly scared and pointed to Pidge who face palmed. 

"your the captain" Allura asked displeased.

"got a problem with me then fight me" Pidge snapped back and placed a hand on her hip. 

"no problem, i was asked to pass on a message to captain Pidge of the ship rover. I'm also meant to accompany you to the secret meeting spot" Allura replied and placed her sword away. 

"who sent the message" Pidge asked with slight worry.

"Captain shiro of the ship Kerberos" Allura smiled.

"nope, not going" Pidge replied and jumped back onto the plank leaving allura and allura crew in shock.

"come on Lance, we done here" Keith sighed and Lance nodded before walking over to the plank. 

"I have orders to bring you to the captain of the Kerberos" Allura snapped. 

"Tell them to come fetch me themselves" Pidge sighed and started walking towards her ship.

"then you leave me no choice" Allura huffed and pulled her sword before grabbing Lance with force making him drop the jar of dirt and be held by sword point. 

"oh, that was a mistake" Keith warned as Pidge turned and looked at Allura holding Lance as a hostage.

"your willing to use my crew members as a hostage .... fine take me to my brothers but dont think i will forgive you" Pidge growled and followed Allura ship to the meeting point. 

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