Why, just why?

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I have a question for you, the readers. Why do you guys read this trashy book? What's so great about it anyways? What DO YOU guys LIKE about it? I'm just curious.... I honestly hate this book, its the absolute worst which is why I got some "good" news.

*takes deep breath* So I have decided to rewrite the whole book. I'm not talking about editing spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm talking about making a re-write on this book. I mean, a whole NEW book with a similar plot but less cliché and less cringy then well.... this.

Let me tell you, ITS GONNA BE AWESOME !! :D I already started writing the first chapter! *squees* I'm so excited ❤w❤


" I don't know what's worse, getting broken or making it break"

Isn't it crazy when 2 years feels like just yesterday?

In which two teens struggle to move on from their past together, making matters worse.

(This has nothing to do with "My Everything" which is a whole separate, different book btw. Just a rewrite of "One of a Kind" and "Rainbow Dash's Awesome Journal". Basically I put together both plots and created a new one XD)


The Summary is WAY too vague honestly. I'm still working on it, don't worry about that.

Okay, so as I said above I pretty much mixed both plots of "One of a kind" and "Rainbow Dash's Awesome Journal" bcoz why not?

Okay, so "One of a kind" was about Soarin and Dash knowing each other before (friends in elementary) and haven't talked in years so its all awkward. They end up talking either way bcoz they just do. Anyways yeah.... that's pretty much it XD. There's the "bad guys" Lightning and Thunderlane. The whole book literally makes no sense. Welp, what can I say? I was a 12 year old who couldn't move on from her past back then and randomly decided to make a book based off her dreams to provide some entertainment for the Soarindash shippers, that's all.

I never took this book seriously XD

And no, it was not my idea to make Thunderlane a bad guy. I was just on Writers block and took my friends advice.

"Rainbow Dash's lame boring journal". Didn't last a long time. Once the whole LOL contest was over I unpublished it right away. Why? Because once again, it was just for fun and I was really bored last summer so why not?

Basically they met at some skateboarding park and Soarin taught Dash how to write songs one summer, then after that everything went back to normal. So yeah.... then Soarin moves next door and dash suddenly remembers him. Like, Dash literally just see's him and gets goo goo eyes XD.

Anywho I only read like 2 chapters of the book and too lazy to read the rest.

Here is the summary InterestingStorieZ made (since she was the editor). Credits go to her for making the fantastic summary. ( and yes, I barely learned how to copy and paste)

Edited version:

Hey there, name's Rainbow Dash, RD for short. This journal is mine — solely mine — and it's private, so scram! I just got this journal today so I won't be writing in this piece o' trash right now cause I have better things to do than spend my time with books — unlike Twilight The Nerd, yep, that's her title. In this spectacular thing — I know I said it's trash, but I was younger — I'll be writing my awesome songs that'll blow your tiny peppermint minds — I meant, your overly large mind!

Well, here's a fun fact; I always dreamed of becoming a world famous, and popular singer — but you probably, most likely, thought that I wanted to be a soccer player. Nope, not even a bit. Too bad that's what my BFFs think — and I'm not considering telling them, they'll probably laugh their asses outta it. The only kind and sweet-hearted person I'd widely trust is Fluttershy — she's an angel, not really.

One Of A Kind ( 2019 )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat