☆ Embrace Who You Are; A Lousy Introduction ☆

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•••'º'•» " Life really is One of a Kind, huh?" The Rainbownette tells the navy haired teen beside her. " I never thought things would end up this way". She looks up, staring at the pale blue sky." What were you expecting Dash?" " I don't know Soar, I honestly don't know" «•'º'•••

Yeah, neither do I. 

That quote above was the summary of what this book originally was; A SoarinDash fanfic. As you can tell, it's not MLP related at all. Instead this is mostly me being my demi-ace self giving advice to others who identify as Asexual, Aromantic, AroAce, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Graysexual, Grayromantic or anything else in the Ace spectrum! ( I apologize if I missed one! )

As we all know it's difficult being ace in this highly sexualized world ( I'll be using ace as an umbrella term for any of the sexualities mentioned above! ) I've always found it difficult to be "normal" amongst my peers, who constantly cracking dirty jokes and moaning during class. In fact it was mostly the guys who were perverted. 

I always felt uncomfortable despite all of this wasn't directed towards me in any way. Songs about yk what used to make me uncomfortable too, which is why at first I wasn't the biggest "34+35" fan. The lyrics kind of just made me shiver in the beginning.

Everyone would call me "innocent" and "childish" because I lacked interest in all this. 

Recently I came out as a Demisexual to my friends and they were glad that I finally figured it all out! In a way I've kind of came out to my family too, but we'll save that for another chapter :')

The first time I ever really spoke about my aesexuality was in this very book, which is why I'm publishing this on this account and not my current, active one @safetaynet 

Let me show you what I mean:

≪•◦  𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝟸𝟷, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶 ◦•≫

I have extremely important news to share and a confession to make.... stick around if you'd like. I bet 90% of you won't.

So..... as I have been mentioning for the past, what? 5 months? That this book is going to end soon. You're probably wondering why and when? Here are the details:

1. I've lost interest.

Credit goes to my school friend who helped me out with Chapter 22 (All good) and Chapter 23 (the hangout).

 We were at school and I was like "I'm just going to discontinue one of my books, I no longer have interest. Then she was like "No! You can't do that to the readers! I hate those type of authors!". I asked for advice on what I should write next, she helped me out. Without her, this book would've been unpublished back in January.

I have completely lost interest now but I don't want to leave you all hanging with no actual ending. I don't want you all to feel what I felt when I watched the last episode of "Victorious".  

2. Its badly written.

There are so many spelling and grammar errors, which is why heavy editing will begin sometime this summer? Sorry..... but I can't stand seeing spelling errors in my books. It really bothers me 😥

Also, I suck at writing a detailed chapter.... sorry. My writing has improved but not enough to improve my weak spots such as being descriptive.

Cuz we all know, this book is trash.

3. I wrote this during a tough time. This book gives me bad memories of those times.

You'll see what I mean..... its complicated.

Basically I had a friend in elementary, I considered him a best friend. Then out of no where, next school year we no longer talk anymore. Just like that! I didn't care.... until middle school when I constantly saw him literally everywhere I went.

I admit, I felt a bit jealous when he talked to his new friends. I spent the whole 7 th grade, thinking about him. He even entered my dreams (which are some seriously cringy xD)

We made eye contact, he ignored me. I felt bad, thinking that it was all my fault. That caused seriously bad self esteem for myself.

By September I moved on from my past, realizing that we would never talk again. That fairy tale endings don't exist, to just deal with it. And I did.

*takes deep breath*

Since then, I refuse to talk to guys willingly. I don't want to talk to them, don't want to be friends with them, don't want to be with them. That's it.....i'm pretty much scarred for life. I'm totally fine! I don't care, I totally don't care. Right?

Now my friends think I'm asexual????? Ughhhhhh!!!!! I -

Am I straight or asexual? Maybe I might be asexual.....

Well whatever..... ya'll are here for the details. I forgot this wasn't my other book......nvm.

So maybe some of this was sorta based on life.... but with a happy ending. I never liked him in that way tho. I just based half of these chapters on dreams 😂

The Rarijack? 100% based off my two friends who used to be an item. (they were so freaking cute!!!! I shipped it so much!)

They were together, had to break up due to "Aj" moving away to a whole different city. And yeah.....

So some of this was based off life.... well life back then in early 2019. Its now early 2020 so..... everything has changed. Literally everything. Nothing is the same. I absolutely hate this book for that.

But don't worry, I will have an actual ending for you :D

Just give me time tho..... I'm currently on Writers Block. Expect an update sometime April. Yeeeeee!

"til then!" - _____ *fake coughs* I mean ______. ( I blocked out the names I used to go by here because I don't want to be associated by those anymore )

P.S- The whole situation and asexual thing.... its hard for me to talk about it. Yeah....

≪•◦ 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙳𝚊𝚢, 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟷𝟼, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷 ◦•≫

I was pretty cringy back then-


Yes, it's true. 'One Of A Kind' was semi based off my 7th grade fairytale daydreams of an hopeless romantic asexual. Dw, we'll get to that in a future chapter. 

I'm honestly so grateful from the type of support I got when I first published this. Thank you @goldenflame7 and @Xx-The-Black-Army-xX ( she's gone now ) for making me feel accepted! 

If you're ever told that you are broken or a freak because you're ace, whoever told you that is an idiot. You're unique. You're beautiful. Simply misunderstood! Don't listen to them and embrACE who you are 🖤🤍💜

 Simply misunderstood! Don't listen to them and embrACE who you are 🖤🤍💜

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- Clara <33

One Of A Kind ( 2019 )Where stories live. Discover now