Ch19|| The innocent kiss

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The title reveals it all

Soarins Pov

All I know is that ever since the fall formal, I've been feeling something for Dash, but did she like me back?

I saw dash playing soccer with Spits and Fleetfoot. All I did was stare at her, then she noticed. Oh shit. That's not good. WALK AWAY



I can't. She's too beautiful.

After she's done with playing soccer, she comes up to me and asks how I'm doing.

" I'm doing good. You're awesome "

" Wait, what"


" So, "


Of course. There was silence between us. It was just one kiss! How can that affect our friendship if it meant nothing. Okay, to me it meant everything but to Rainbow; probably nothing.

" Hey" I smile

She smiles back. Okay, now what?

A few seconds later Rainbow gets my hand and My face starts turning red. " We need to talk." she told me

We walk to the place where it all happened. Flashbacks rushed through my head of last night and I felt even more nervous about talking to her.

" We can't just pretend it didn't happen" She says

"I'm sorry" I sigh. " I promise to never do it agian"

" Good" she then pauses for a moment, looking down at the floor." After all, you still like Midnight""

" No, I dont" I pull my hand towards hers, and hold it while looking at her magenta eyes" I like you"

I wait for Rainbow to say something but she doesn't

" Do you like me back?" I asked

Rainbows Pov

Ever since the Fall Formal my feelings for Soarin have gotten stronger, but I can't let him know that. I mean, does he even like me back?

I was just playing soccer with Spitfire and Fleet, and then I notice Soarin staring at me.




I can't, and I don't know why.

When I'm done playing soccer, I walk up to him, well this is going to be awkward.

"how are you doing?" I ask

"I'm doing good, You're awesome "

"Wait, what"

" Nothing"



Yup. Awkward I tell ya. I mean yeah we kissed, but it meant nothing. Well to him, not to me. To me it meant everything!

"Hey" he smiles. I smile back. Yeah...... I have an idea. I take Soarins hand and we go to where it all started.

" We can't just pretend it didn't happen!'' I tell him.

" I'm sorry" he sighs " I promise to never do it again "

"Good", I pause for a moment feeling sadness, knowing that my crush probably doesn't like me and likes Midnight, so I look down at he floor telling him " After all, you still like Midnight" 

" No, I don't " he pulls his hand towards mine and his emerald eyes look at my magenta eyes "I like you"

I try and tell him that I like him back, but the words aren't coming out of my mind.

" Do you like me back?"


I'm evil. I left this off in a cliffhanger

Well we all need to Calm down. We don't know whether Rainbow will tell Soarin that she likes him back.

It can go either way. Everything will go as planned and Soarindash will happen or Dash says nothing and Soaring thinks she doesn't like him.

Which way will it go? 

One Of A Kind ( 2019 )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat