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Rainbows Pov:

Soarin: Race ya to the tree stump

Rainbow: Ok but most likely I'm going to beat you

Soarin: You wish

Wave Chill: 3

Rainbow: No. You wish

Wave: 2

Pinkie: Yay. A race.

Wave: 1 go

A few minutes later:

Rainbow: Told you I'd beat you

Soarin: For now

Rainbow: Well no one could beat me, the awesome dash

Wave: Bell rang. We should go 

Soarin: Let's go to class Dashie

Rainbow: Dashie?

Soarin: Your nickname

Rainbow: Oh. Ok

Soarin: You like it?

Rainbow: Yeah (blushes)

Rapid fire: Hurry up you two!


Pinkie; Rainbow! The sky's falling!

Rainbow: wait what!

Pinkie: jk

Twilight: What happened Rainbow. You went to dreamland for a while 

AJ: Did something happen?

Rainbow: No. Just remembering something that's not important

Pinkie: If you say so

During math class:

Ms. Stars Sparkle: 7x plus 6x = ..............

Lightning: So dash. Wanna go to the park after school

Rainbow: Sure.

Lightning: We can do cool skateboard stunts

Rainbow: Yes! Finally I could do skateboard stunts. I haven't been able to because My best friends don't ride skateboards so I never have time

At the park:

Lightning: I bet you can't do this trick

Rainbow: Um. Yes I can!

Lightning: Show me then

Few min later

Lightning: How about this one

Rainbow: Yes!

Lightning: You know. It's nice to have someone to skateboard with

Rainbow: Yup. Especially when you can't relate to any of your best friends. They're just so different from you

Lightning: Why are you friends with them anyways 

Rainbow: Well because 

Ms. Stars Sparkle: Rainbow Dash? What's the answer?

Rainbow: Um. 

Ms. Stars Sparkle: Pay attention please. You usually do. What's wrong?

Rainbow: Nothing. Just um

Bell rings

Rainbow: Oof. 3rd period already. Gotta go

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