"Just close them."

He didn't have to ask me twice, I willingly closed my eyes. The air around us felt thin for about five seconds, and soon I felt a cold chill bite at my skin. I flinched at the coldness and my eyes flew open. My eyes darted around taking in my surroundings... I was outside the pack territory. I had never stepped foot outside of the Pack Boundary lines, I was never allowed to do so. In my nineteen years of existence, I hadn't even circled the whole of the Shields' pack territory. I couldn't believe how the Demon Alpha easily got us out, it made no sense. I let my eyes wander up to look at him, the soft moonlight was shining on his face and I couldn't help but swoon. How was he so powerful that he could just poof to anywhere he wanted.

"One of my many abilities," he shrugged nonchalantly as if being able to teleport was normal.

Many questions floated around in my head but I knew better than to speak without permission. He stated many abilities, just what else could he do?

I shivered and gasped at the nippy coldness of the air, it didn't help that I was wearing flimsy pyjamas... and no bra. At the thought of being braless, I quickly crossed my arms across my chest. The Demon Alpha's strong arms held me tightly, one arm was under my thighs and the other was supporting my back. His arms felt muscular and thick, he must have worked out constantly because this specimen seemed to be made of nothing but muscle.

"Alpha, are you ready to leave?" A masculine voice asked I turned my head slowly to see an individual in the dark shadows of the night. I couldn't make out what he looked like, but from what I could tell he wasn't as tall as Demon Alpha.


Before I could even blink we were walking fast, through the deep trees and away from the Shields territory. One thought left my mind, did they know that I was gone?

We walked for what seemed like half an hour, I was silent the whole time; too scared to speak. I wasn't even surprised if the Demon Alpha thought I was mute! He made no effort to talk to me either, which only made me think he was like Alpha Richards; just wanting a female on his arm. But if he did want that, then why was it so important for him to have me; a weak female wolf? The forest was dark and with my simple human eyes I couldn't see much except darkness, in a way I was grateful that he was carrying me because I wouldn't have been able to walk through the forest without constantly falling; also I had no shoes on!

Eventually, we came to a stop and I looked around my surroundings and saw two huge Range Rover SUVs. One SUV had the lights on in the car, and multiple males seated inside. The male that had walked ahead of us, went to the SUV with males already seated inside, he got in the driver's side and slammed the door shut.

The Demon Alpha walked us to the empty SUV and unlocked it. He effortlessly opened the front passenger seat and put me in, before taking a rucksack off his back and throwing it behind me in the back passenger seats. I recognised the bag to be mine, did he take some of my belongings?

He soon shut my door and was quick to get into the driver's side and start the engine. Within a minute, the car was moving and he was driving. I was finally leaving the Shields pack.

Hours seemed to have past as he drove, we hadn't spoken to each other at all. I didn't know what to do except just sit and stare out of the window. I watched as trees, forests, mountains passed us. It was well past three in the morning and I was shattered, but my body was fighting to stay awake, fighting against the sleep it craved. I didn't want to close my eyes, after all the person next to me was the dangerous Demon Alpha.

"You must be tired." His words came out strained.

I didn't say anything, was he expecting a reply?

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