RAW Week 21

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"At the arena"

Tom: Hello loyal viewers, I am Tom Philips.
Nigel: My name is Nigel McGuieness.
Vic: And this is Vic Joseph.
Tom: Tonight on RAW we have a treat for you, full action packed. You know what let me stop explaining so you can see it with your eyes.

Out came the Golden Standard Shelton Benjamin with his Million Dollar title. The crowd showered him with boos as he made his way to the ring.

Shelton: So last week as I was explaining everything about myself, I was attacker by Dexter Lumis. Lumis, you have some balls attacking the Golden Standard, but what does it mean? Does it mean you want my gold? Well why don't you come and take it-

Then the RAW GM Edge came out with a mic and the crowd cheered for him.

Edge: Shelton, I appreciate that you came all your way just to say something about Dexter Lumis. And speaking of Dexter, he and I had a huge talk revolving you and he asked me for an opportunity for your title... And I granted it...

The crowd cheered.

Shelton: What?! You did just not-
Edge: Next week is the contract signing for that title of yours as you will defend it at Elimination Chamber against Dexter Lumis.

Shelton couldn't believe it.

Tom: Now we already have a match for Elimination Chamber from the RAW side of the PPV.
Nigel: The Golden Standard better prepare himself for the future.
Vic: Exactly as he's got to worry about the unpredictable Dexter Lumis.


Cathy: Shelton, you got confronted by the RAW GM Edge and he told you that he granted Dexter Lumis an opportunity for your title at Elimination Chamber. How do you feel about it?
Shelton: How I feel about it? I feel pissed as hell, how can Edge put me in a match with a guy who didn't earn his opportunity while I earned mine by winning a battle royal. Dexter, if you are here or if you are watching this at home... You ain't nobody stoping me anytime soon.

He smirked and left.

"At the arena"

At the ring, there were four superstars. Andrade, Dominik Dijakovic, Kona Reeves and Luchasaurus for an opportunity for the US title at Elimination Chamber.
The bell rang and things began.

"Match Highlights"

Dominik and Andrade decided to work together since they're a part of the Rebellion and worked they're way through Kona and Luchasaurus. Dominik landed a Step Up Enziguiri to Luchasaurus but he ducked and did a Tail Whip on Dijak. Andrade landed an elbow to Kona and the Finest Man on the planet was on the corner and Andrade tried to do a corner splash but Kona got out of it through the ropes and Andrade hit hard and Kona kicked Andrade on the face and then tried to do a Slingshot DDT and pinned Andrade but Luchasaurus launched Dijak to the two and the count broke.

"End of the match"

Andrade grabbed Luchasaurus for a Hammerlock DDT and pinned him but Kona stomped on him. Dijak grabbed Kona for a Feast Your Eyes but Andrade broke the count. Dijak was shocked and saw his fellow stablemate tried to break his count. The two got up and argued about it but Luchasaurus got up and tackled the two and Dijak was sent flying out of the ring and grabbed Andrade for a massive Rock Bottom and pinned Andrade and won the opportunity.

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