Part 1 "Once more"

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Five beautiful years have passed since the war that finally brought peace to the werewolf and werecat world. Everything has been amazing so far, calm, fun, unexpected. Last year you and Calum actually travelled across your whole world. That was the original plan so long ago, to think it's been held off for that while. You saw so much, the beautiful beaches, mountains, forests, everything and he was there with you all along. It was great to do that travel, it felt natural, like you were supposed to always be on the road and never in one place. You came back two months ago to your little village, everything remained as if you never left.


"Morning" you say as you smile at Ashton once you walked by his house. Ash changed a lot in the last five years, he had shorter brown hair, was taller and more broad, but his personality is still the same. He learned quite a bit about himself which is what he always wanted, you and him got to know eachother again after missing out on it for a few years as well. Ash became more self-aware you could say, he wasn't that silly as he used to be.

"Morning sis, what's the plan for today" he flashes a smile too.

"Don't know yet, you?" you come closer to his door, leaning on the pillar next to it. This was somewhat of a routine.

"None whatsoever, as usual. We could ask Luke, he always has something planned" he answers, gesturing in the direction Luke and Sierra lived.

"Yeah, sure" you comply, walking over there with him. The two of you occasionally waved to other people that were walking around, mostly to the ones you knew better. You knock on Luke's door, waiting for the tall blonde figure to emerge. Luke and Ashton switched hairstyles a little bit, Luke now had long, blonde curls and was taller than Ashton, he was six foot four, but he'll tell you he's six two at best. He also had a stubble going on, which suited him well with the hair he had now. Remember how Luke and Sierra had an undefined relationship, that all changed as well, almost immediately after the war. They are happy being mates, no matter how much Sierra complains about him, she loves him still. Luke was still the most intimidating one if you meet the group, but really he stayed the goofball, somewhat awkward and fun guy he was. Thankfully though, he got quite a bit of confidence in himself that he didn't have before.

"Irwins, what do you two need today?" he grins widely.

"Better question is what are you doing today? We don't have anything planned, but you know that already" you answer, which made him chuckle.

"Si and I are doing paintings of us, but she is doing much better than me" all of you laugh.

"Luke, what's taking you so long?" you hear Sierra's voice echo, untill she arrives herself. She almost hasn't changed at all, but she grew up just like everyone else. You learned they way she thinks and actually a bit of it rubbed on you, she taught you quite a lot on your mental powers as well. Sierra also became more skilled in the way your two species work, everything about them there was to know, well, the things that were saved.

"Oh, Willow, Ash!" she happily greets you. You may have lived in close quarters, but you didn't need to talk to eachother all the time like earlier, so it was natural for all of you to be happy to see one another again.

"You painting I see" Ash comments, pointing to the spots of paint on her cheek. Luke laughs lightly and Sierra glares at him, she didn't seem pleased.

"He did that" she says, poking his cheek, she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach him. Everyone laughed lightly, even her at that.

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